Teammates cum Friends

Começar do início

''Slow Slow'', just when I was about to grab the knob, someone opened the door, which startled me. Someone was standing right in front of me. Lifting my head, I see Jonas, who is giving me a weird look.

''I'm not stealing anything, for your information'', standing up properly, I crossed my arms under my chest. ''I made you breakfast to let me stay here.... I'm leaving'', I walked forward but he closed the door right at my face, which widened my eyes.

''Are you trying to kill me?'', I asked him shockingly.

''Did you forget we are working together right now?'', he strolled to the kitchen, opening the fridge, taking a water bottle, and chunking down the water.

Damn, he looks so hot... my heart screams....

Stupid, snap it out!!

''What? Are you kidding me? Since when I hired you?'', I asked him annoyingly.

Jonas shrugs as he passes through the dining table but stops like he spotted something.

''You made this?'', he pointed out the cheesy bacon breakfast burrito I made for him.


Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

''Umm.... Yes...'', I nodded hesitantly. He sat at the side of the table as he took one burrito. ''Seat properly. You will make the Food Goddess angry at you for not respecting the food'', I voiced out.

''And who told you that?'', he raised his brow.

''My mom told me and she knows better'', I pouted. He's asking many questions, though. Unexpectedly, he sat down and took a bite from the burrito.

''Are you sure you made this on your own?'', he asked me.

''Why? Not nice?'', I sighed. ''I followed the YouTube video. I should have looked for another video.''

''It's delicious'', he stated.

''Fine, Fine, I will...'', I stopped as I looked back at him. ''W...what did you say?''

''I said it's good'', he shrugs.

''Oh My God, seriously? This is the first time I cooked, and it comes out nicely'', I jumped happily.

Surprisingly, he finished the burritos. I'm glad he liked the breakfast though. 

I'd been fidgeting my fingers on my lap while Jonas was driving calmly. I feel the pressure here.

What if A and B don't come? What if they resigned?

Taking out my favorite chocolate, I started eating it to calm down my mind. The door was closed when we reached my office room. It was really quiet.

No one comes... yet...

Usually, they will be the ones who arrive early. Jonas opened the door, and I was stunned seeing the clean and neat office like it used to be.

Never Been too Late to LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora