Chapter 20: Fixing what we broke

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Doyoung's memory of his early life was mostly filled with events to do with his eating disorder, and, in a way, he hadn't been surprised when he tried to remember anything else and couldn't for the most part. The thing about a disorder is that they consume a large part of your life. He wishes it would've been different, but it already happened, and he's here and he hates to think about the past but at least he's relatively better now.

He can pinpoint a few memories that aren't negative, and comes to the conclusion that the good memories he does have are 1. with his family (excluding his dad) 2. Jaehyun and 3. Johnny. Yuta isn't on the list because he didn't come in until way after. There's a reason why that conclusion is problematic too.

His family was great, they weren't the problem, but he'd met Jaehyun in the weirdest way possible. Jaehyun had pushed him off the swings causing him to scratch his knees so badly he still had a scar on it. They had gotten sent to the principal's office and like any other kids they'd made up even before it was their turn to go in. They were in preschool back then... but Doyoung somehow still remembers, and he wonders if maybe that's why he can't get closer to Jaehyun, maybe he's still afraid Jaehyun will push him off the swings.

Johnny, is also another problem, if he hadn't had an eating disorder it was likely he would've never met the older boy, so their relationship truly went back to that, it seemed like in a way, Johnny was such a big part of that era of his life he couldn't see him beyond that.

Maybe Doyoung had been the problem all along, maybe he was quick to love but slow to trust. Maybe he cared about others but never enough to open up. Maybe... God... everything's just messed up.

Kim Doyoung

Already on the plane, Doyoung had fallen asleep on Jungwoos shoulder, only to be woken up 30 minutes later because they had already landed. He hated 30 minute naps, it always made him feel groggy and even more tired than before. Jungwoo seemed to be enjoying his misery though, cooing at him and pinching his cheeks every time his eyes threatened to close again, especially since he was, afterall, walking.

The bus ride to their dormitories would be 15 minutes long, but Doyoung didn't think he could power nap his way through this one, he would have to stay awake and nap at the place, or even worse, actually wait until night fell... It was barely 10am.

His best form of entertainment was to stare at Jaehyun and his dimples when he talked to Jungwoo.

"Can you stop please? I feel stalked" Jaehyun jokes, and then he puts on his serious face, knowing exactly what is distracting Doyoung from paying full attention to him.

"Hey no... your dimple is gone"

"I know you're staring at it. You loved to do that when we were younger but it's getting weird now... I'm trying to have a conversation with you" He mocks him, he doesn't actually find it weird, he's in a way flattered but he'd rather have Doyoung be active in the conversation.

"Jae, do you remember when you pushed me off the swings" Jungwoo turns to them, it was a story he hadn't heard yet, and if he's honest he thinks it's interesting to hear Jaehyun being anything but kind to Doyoung.

"Yeah, it's how we became friends, how weird of us don't you think?"

"You never said sorry"

"Oh... I guess I didn't really think it'd matter since we talked like normal after" Doyoung pouted.

"My dad scolded me over it, and then screamed at my mom because she didn't take care of me, it was the first time he reacted like that" Did he blame Jaehyun for it? No. Maybe his subconscious did, but he loved Jaehyun.

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