Chapter 10: Tell me that you need me

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The way Yuta and Ten ended things wasn't really... pretty... for anyone involved. Taeyong had called it the shit show of his life and he didn't even see it go down, he was just there to pick them both back up.

It wasn't that either of them was in the wrong, it had just been a really horrible miscommunication. Ten wanted sex, Yuta wanted well... more than that. The younger of the two had always been clear what type of relationship they had but Yuta doesn't really know why he expected it to turn into something else. He hadn't fallen in love with Ten but, he'd been close though, and hearing that he wasn't really special, fucked him up. He said shit that he didn't mean and in turn, fucked Ten up too.

He doesn't really know why he's still upset at the younger, he has no right to be, but it hurt and then Ten left and abandoned him and it fucking hurt. It's like he never got over it because he never got proper closure and for some stubborn reason, he doesn't want it either.

Nakamoto Yuta

This thing he was doing with Doyoung scared Yuta, and yet it was like he couldn't stop himself, like an out of control addict and his drug was being supplied directly to him. Doyoung was his escape, and yet Yuta felt like he was trapping his pretty little butterfly in a glass case. The younger man deserved better than whatever broken pieces were left of him.

In Seoul, Yuta had really wanted to pretend nothing happened, he'd wanted to forget what they did in fear of ruining what they had, then when they came back, it was like that short act was completely shattered. Mr. Choi was dead, and suddenly he wanted to keep Doyoung as far away from him as possible in case he lost him too. He spent Sunday and Monday mourning and almost expected the rest of his life to go like that too, but then Doyoung just couldn't let it go, he couldn't fly away like Yuta had wanted him to and the younger fell under his grasp again. So yes, this thing with Doyoung scared him, but then he begged and whined and pleaded and Yuta couldn't say no, even if he knew he'd end up hurting him, he couldn't stay away. Yuta may have been made of steel, but Doyoung was a magnet.

He had received a text from Ten earlier today, he's not sure how he even got his number but he imagined Taeyong was in on it, trying to be some type of mediator he didn't need. Ten wanted to meet up with him, just to talk, he said, but Yuta had the fire building up inside him and he really couldn't think straight, so he decided to take a really bad decision.

Yuta: sure, i get off work at 5 so meet me there. I work at the arcade downtown

Truth was, Yuta didn't get out at 5, his break didn't even start until 4 which meant he got back in at 5, but he had come up with a plan even he thought was disgusting.

"What are you doing right now?" He said to the younger boy at the other end of the line.

"Reading" Doyoung mumbled, sounding kind of weirded out that Yuta had called him during his shift.

"I'm having a really bad day at work" He said suggestively, once those words were out he couldn't go back. He'd follow through with his plan. He could almost see Doyoung smiling at his tone. Yuta was clearly being flirty and he hated himself for doing this but at least they'd both get a nice time out of it.

"Yeah? What do you want me to do about it"

"I start my break in 30 minutes, prep yourself and be here at 4?" Yuta asked and he could hear the younger's head moving, he was nodding.

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