Chapter 19: Normal teenager

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Yuta knows he doesn't have a mom, but he doesn't pity himself over it. He thinks he did at one point, at least when he was very very young, or maybe he was just naive. Whatever it was, he was grateful for those years, and he doesn't mourn losing her love because eventually, he'd gotten used to it. 

He wonders if he would've been a different person if he had been raised differently. Maybe a bigger family, or perhaps just a loving one. He wonders if he would've been different if he had grown up with a mother to trust, a mother to coddle him, tell him right from wrong. His father wasn't bad (which is why it hurt more when he turned on him) but he figured he lacked the delicacy that comes by nature in mothers. 

He had tried, Yuta knows, and so that's why he loved him so much, but he wonders if his mom had at least tried like his father did, would he have become a better person?

He has a memory. One he forgets from time to time, but always comes back to him. He must've been around four. Yuta was playing with a small truck, not an expensive one, not one of the ones he kept in his room, but instead, a cheap truck, a toy that you find in supermarkets for 1,000 wons. He hadn't known the difference back then. That the toy was weaker, and when it broke, he'd cried for 3 days straight. His mom brought him more and more of the expensive toys, but he'd just wanted his truck, and then one day, she came in with the small package, and inside, there it was, the cheap, oddly colored truck, and Yuta remembers feeling the happiest he's ever felt. He wonders what it would've been like to grow up with the mom that gave him that truck, that smiled at him. Yuta remembers her eyes, how loving they seemed. Yuta thinks she said she loved him, and deep down, he thinks he said it back, but he was four, and innocent, and he barely remembers anything else, so he can't be sure, after all, the curse hadn't gotten to her. 

Nakamoto Yuta

Yuta wasn't leaving forever, he just needed to clear his head, and he'd called Kun and asked him if he could stay over for the weekend. They both had to go on the school trip anyway so it wouldn't be too much trouble. 

After he left Doyoung asleep in his room he packed his things. As he made his bag he realized a few of Doyoung's clothes had gotten into his side of the closet. He packed them too. 

When he went downstairs he was met with an unexpected person, and it almost seemed like she was waiting for him to come down. Delicate but older hands wrapped around a familiar cup of coffee. 

"Where are you going, my child?" Mrs. Kim said sweetly. 

"I'm just gonna stay the weekend with a friend" 

"Sit" She ordered softly, and there was something comforting about her tone, like she had known Yuta her whole life, he pulled the chair opposite to her and sat down. 

"What's wrong, and don't lie to me Yuta, I'm a mother, I can sense these things" His breath hitches, not because he's scared that Doyoung's mom sees right through him, but because the next words that will leave his mouth are the reason why he hadn't had a home for a long time.

"I'm… I'm gay Mrs. Kim and… I really like your son" He doesn't tell her how Doyoung likes him back because it's not his place to out him, he can do that at his own time. She smiles sweetly, and Yuta remembers his own mom, and how most of the time, he was never on the receiving end of those types of smiles.

"Oh Yuta and why would there be anything wrong with that?" 

"I- I guess… There's nothing wrong… but… I fought with him, Mrs. Kim… I can't be honest with him" She took his hand, stroking it softly with her thumb. Everything she did, she did sweetly, and it reminded him of Doyoung, from a kind mother came a kind son.

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