Chapter 11: Being alone is the least of my worries

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Doyoung had met Johnny when he was 13, the first time he went to the hospital. The boy was the son of one of the doctors, and having to spend a lot of time in the waiting room, Gongmyung had eventually befriended him.

Johnny had always been soft spoken towards him even if he was rowdy with his brother, and Doyoung appreciated it. He wasn't the type of boy to rough around, so Doyoung befriended him too. Sooner than later Johnny was spending almost every weekend at their house. All three of them would play together until Johnny's dad came to pick him up after his shift, and they got pretty close, though he was always a bit closer to Gongmyung since they were similar in age.

Johnny was even there when he got diagnosed, and then when he left the clinic. He'd always make sure to bring him something to eat, and Doyoung found it nice, even if he kept bringing his fear foods by accident. Johnny always called him pretty and lovely and while he liked it, he never truly understood why, he wasn't like that with Gongmyung or even Jeno who everyone called the beauty queen of the three, so he didn't understand why Johnny thought that about him.

When Johnny and Gongmyung left, Doyoung had just turned 17, and it was hard to see them both go, especially when Taeil's death hadn't been too long ago. It was like he had lost them all at the same time, but it was Johnny who called him everyday, asked him if he had eaten and talked to him until he felt better. The calling every day didn't end because Johnny didn't care anymore, but mostly because they both got busy, the older with his project and Gongmyung, and Doyoung with school. They stopped talking a lot as time went by, typical when you're living far away, to the point where the only time they talked was when he called Gongmyung. He never felt sad about this, he still cared about Johnny and he knew the other felt the same way.

Kim Doyoung

The past few weeks had been weird to Doyoung. Fighting with Yuta only to make up with sex. It all got better after he confessed though, and he thought it was ironic, the thing he thought would ruin them made them better.

His brother coming home yesterday only made him happier and the whole house seemed to be that way too because Doyoung could feel it when he woke up. He could hear the music downstairs and he knew it was probably his brothers cooking and dancing in the kitchen.

"Hyung, wake up" He shook Yuta, who was surprisingly still sleeping. The older let out a quiet groan as he stretched himself, he looked a bit out of it at first until he looked at Doyoung, then he smiled, and Doyoung felt the butterflies he'd gotten fond of by now.

"Morning" Yuta said, and Doyoung moved his hand to brush off the older's fringe that had fallen over his eyes.

"Good morning" He said back, and Yuta grabbed his wrist, pulling him in closer.

"Ah, let me go," Doyoung said, giggling at the older who was trying to cuddle him, but eventually he gave in, like he knew he would because he just can't deny Yuta anything, telling him they'd only stay there for 5 minutes, which the older agreed to.

That exact amount of time passed before Doyoung jumped out of bed and Yuta whined, cursing at himself for not holding on tighter. Doyoung stuck his tongue out, running out the room when he saw Yuta standing up to chase him.

The older didn't get to him until they reached the living room and Yuta grabbed him by the waist, tickling him. Doyoung laughed, and laughed until he was running out of breath and then Yuta stopped, letting him catch it. That's when he noticed Gongmyung, Johnny and Jeno staring at them. Gongmyung looked confused but at the same time chill, like he was more surprised by how active they were so early in the morning rather than what they were doing. Johnny looked monotone and he genuinely couldn't read his expression, and Jeno, well Jeno was shaking his head in disbelief, but none of the other two boys saw him.

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