Chapter 8: The calm before the storm

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Doyoung wasn't a prude, but he also wasn't very sexually experienced. The only things he'd done were with himself. It's not like you could blame him though. He came from a small town with very few males he was the slightest bit interested in, and on top of that, even less males that liked other guys. He was even pro-sex, explore your sexuality do what you want, be a slut, whatever as long as you were safe. He'd even joined Grinder at one point, and then had automatically shut it down when he received a message from none other than Mr. Lee, he figured that might've been the reason why he and his wife got a divorce, and he's kinda glad he never put a picture nor used his real name on the app cause that would've been hell for him. 

Jungwoo had once suggested they'd kiss just to see how it was, but by that time Doyoung already knew he was gay, and he felt predatory if he agreed. It was funny to him when Jungwoo called him a toxic het because of it. Turns out Jungwoo was the one who ended up being straight. 

Now that he'd really think of it, it was almost like he rejected any chance he got to do even the bare minimum. Like when he got dared to kiss Kun, or go to 7 minutes in heaven with Lucas, he'd always stop himself and he wasn't sure if it was because he was scared, or waiting for someone special. His mom even asked him once if he wanted to be a priest as a joke, and he couldn't believe that it was his mom encouraging him to engage in certain activities. It was fine though, Taeil had always told him he didn't have to feel ashamed for being a virgin, kids hypersexualized themselves so much these days, forcing themselves to do something they weren't ready for, and he was proud that Doyoung could say no if he didn't want to.

Kim Doyoung

When Doyoung woke up, there was no Yuta beside him or inside the room. For a moment he worried that they'd ruined their friendship after last night's events, but when he grabbed his phone he saw a message from the older, it was a simple 'went for a morning run' which was unrelatable to him, but at least they were on speaking terms. 

The next message he saw on his phone was from Taeyong telling him to join him for breakfast before he had to go back to the studio because Yuta had ditched him. The message was from 3 minutes ago, so he figured if he dressed quick enough he'd make it on time. 

Seeing that he was in Yuta's hoodie (that he had no recollection of ever putting on) he only slipped on some underwear and jeans.

"You look like a total mess" Taeyong said as soon as he sat in front of him, and he didn't know if he should elaborate or let the older figure it out on his own.

"Omg, you two fucked didn't you?" Doyoung sunk in his seat, not wanting to make eye contact with Taeyong but his blush was probably enough giveaway.

"When you two disappeared last night I thought it was pure coincidence, turns out you guys were getting it on after all, no wonder he was acting so weird this morning" Taeyong was good at putting two and two together, not that you needed much brain to do that in this case. His words, though, made Doyoung uncomfortable, if Taeyong thought it was weird then there must be something serious going on in Yuta's head right now.

"Hyung, do you think he regrets it?" Taeyong's face softened, and it wasn't any consolation to him, he looked sad and Doyoung almost felt like throwing up.

"Look Doyoung, I'm telling you this because I like you, and I think you really like him, as more than friends, but Yuta… he has, weird ways to cope and I don't think it's coincidence that he left with you right after I told him Ten… his kind of ex… was gonna try to contact him soon… I'm not saying that's it, maybe it's different this time, but I just want you to know before you get hurt" And Doyoung wanted to say 'it's too late, I'm already hurt', he regretted even asking about it now, but he had the smallest ounce of hope that he was different to Yuta, because Yuta was different to him. He hadn't even thought about it twice before he gave himself to the older. 

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