Chapter 14: Jealousy might just be the end of us

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One thing Doyoung's always loved about Johnny is how caring he is. If he had to describe the older with one single word it'd be: good, too good in fact. Doyoung doesn't think Johnny's done a single bad thing in his life, at least not on purpose. 

Johnny is probably what every mother wants for their kids. He's tall and handsome, he's hard working, he's nice, and above anything he loves. He loves so much Doyoung doesn't think the older's ever hated something in his life, unless you count olives, Johnny really hates olives. 

Even if Johnny was to be pure evil, which he wasn't, there's no way anyone would find out. He's too calm and calculated and never loses his cool. He has so much control of himself and Doyoung guesses it's just how he was raised, after all, he basically raised himself. No mom and a dad who was always at the hospital, Johnny was bound to turn out one of two ways. He either fell completely off the tracks, or he'd learn self-discipline. Doyoung's glad he'd chosen the latter.

Kim Doyoung, Tuesday 6:00am 

When he woke up, the first thing he noticed was the irritating headache. The second thing, his sudden urge to vomit before he notices the third thing: a bucket conveniently placed beside the bed. He throws up, and it's slightly pink which he assumes it's from the strawberries he ate at the park. The fourth and final thing was… he's not on his bed, though he thinks he'd recognize it if the fucking headache would leave.

"Sleep well?" It's mocking, Doyoung recognizes that voice, it's Johnny, he calms down only to throw up again.

"I brought you a bottle of water and painkillers, you got really drunk, do you remember anything from last night?" It's then Doyoung notices a fifth thing, he's not wearing any pants, and Johnny's not wearing anything other than underwear so you can't really blame him for what he thinks next. He blushes. 

"Did- did we?" It takes a moment for Johnny to realize what he means, but when he does his eyes go wide, choking on God knows what.

"Oh my God, Dodo, no I- you were drunk I would never, oh my God, I just picked you up from Jaehyun's and you didn't wanna see Yuta so I let you sleep here" Doyoung nods, slightly relieved, he remembers going to Jaehyun, he also remembers the kiss (unfortunately), he remembers his very anticlimactic coming out moment and he remembers apologizing to Miyeon, what he didn't remember was Johnny picking him up, though it doesn't sound out of character for him.

"Oh, sorry, I don't remember you coming for me," Johnny laughed.

"Do you wanna know what you said?"

"Oh God, yes?" He knew he'd regret asking but curiosity got the best of him.

"You said you liked the view" The older boy smirked, which Doyoung knew meant more than maybe saying the city night looked nice.

"What was the view?"

"My abs" Doyoung buried his head in the pillow, screaming into it while Johnny laughed at him.

"C'mon bunny, drink up, before you spill your guts again" Johnny said, pulling him up and holding the water bottle while Doyoung downed the pill.

"Also, you're not going to school today, there's no way, I don't think you're done with throwing up" All Doyoung could do was nod, his head was in too much pain to refuse though he knows he'll make a fit about it once the painkiller starts working.

"I'm gonna make breakfast, I'll bring it up to you once I'm done" Johnny said, starting to leave.

"Hey Johnny hyung," The older boy turned around, "thank you… and by the way… I'm still enjoying the view," Doyoung said and quickly covered his face with the blanket, earning a soft laugh from Johnny. 

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