Cynthia Madeline Universe: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Ooh. What do you have in store for Lila?" Aurore asked in anticipation.

"Can't say, you'll just have to wait and see. But what I can say is that I can't take all the credit of the karma Lila will be getting by the end of school." Cynthia said.

"Aww." The two girls awed in disappointment. But they perked right up an smiled at the thought of seeing Lila get her just desserts.

The bell then rang signaling it was time to get to class.

"I'll talk to you two right before Grandma Gina and I leave the school." Cynthia promised. With that the three girls made their way to their respective classes.

Cynthia entered the classroom and was immediately met with silence from her classmates along with smug looks.

"How's it feel to be disowned by your parents for your bad behavior Marinette?" Alya called in a smug tone.

"One, none of your business. Two, they weren't my bio parents, they were merely distant cousins my dad sent me to be raised by because he was going through a rough spot at the time. Marinette isn't even my real name, it's just the name Tom and Sabine named me." Cynthia answered.

The class was in shocked silence at this revelation. With the exception of Alix, Chloe, Sabrina, and Nino.

"Well then, what is your real name?" Lila asked in a genuine curious tone. Though she was only wanting to find out in hopes to have something to tease the girl about.

"Cynthia Madeline Universe." Cynthia answered and she sat down at her desk in the back.

Lila silently cursed inside her head. That name sounded to perfect to have anything to tease about. Dang the bluenette. No worries, she could just say that no one ever truly knew her then since she never told them her real name or that Tom and Sabine were just her distant cousins.

"So no one in class really knew you then? I mean, they knew Marinette Dupain Cheng, but as you said it yourself Marinette Dupain Cheng is just the name Tom and Sabine named you. Meaning, your friends really don't know you at all." Lila said, her smug tone barely kept at bay.

"You're right, my friends barley knew me. I haven't faked my personality or friendship with them at the time we were friends despite them not knowing Tom and Sabine weren't my birth parents nor was I their birth daughter. But they turned their backs on me all for a complete stranger with tale tales and zero real proof to back their tale tales up. FYI, the stranger being you. Now, class is supposed to be started." Cynthia said in a dismissive tone.

Lila scowled at the lack of the reaction she wanted the bluenette to have. Whatever, miss-goody-two shoes lost everything anyhow. She was of no importance to her.

Ms. Bustier finally started class in hopes to break the tension. She'd have a talk with Marinette- er, Cynthia after school before everyone left for the summer.

{•Almost at the end of school•}

*Knock knock*

"Yes, what is it?" Ms. Bustier stopped the lesson and asked.

The door opened and there stood Gina Dupain.

"I'm here to pick up Cynthia." Gina said.

"Oh, did something happen?" Ms. Bustier asked concerned.

"No. It's just I need to pick her up for our flight that will be leaving in about an hour." Gina said.

"What? Flight? I wasn't informed of this." Ms. Bustier asked shocked.

"I told the Principal two weeks prior to today. If he didn't believe me or didn't think to mention it to you then that's on him not me." Gina replied to the teacher.

"Cynthia, gather your things and say bye to your friends." Gina called.

"Okay." Cynthia said.

Cynthia gathered her things and got up and hugged her friends bye.

"I'll text you through the group chat as soon as we land and as soon as I settle in." Cynthia said to help friends as they got done hugging and saying their goodbyes.

"You can expect a visit from us sometime this summer." Alix said seriously.

"I look forward to it." Cynthia said with a smile and walked to her Grandma. She stopped as she got to the door as though she forgot something.

"Oh! Lila, I have a goodbye present I wanted to give you before I left." Cynthia called to the girl.

Lila perked up and smirked. She expected it to be a last minute apology in order to get back into the others good graces.

"In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." Cynthia began to count down.

"Lila Angela Rossi!!!" Came the shout of a woman's voice.

Lila paled. What was her mother doing here?

Mrs. Rossi stormed into the classroom with a look of absolute fury on her face.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?!? Lying to your teachers and classmates about various disabilities that you don't have just to get special treatment and lying about celebrities and places we've never been to?!? I was nearly fired from my job because of you! I could have had CPS called on me and you could have been taken away from me! You falsified my contact information on multiple different legal forms, played hooky for months, had others do your school work, among other things! Ontop of that your being sued by at least two dozen different people! And I get shown proof that you worked with the terrorist Hawkmoth!! You could be facing life in prison or a psychiatric ward along with permanent banishment from Paris. I'm looking at millions of dollars lost and having to possibly file bankruptcy. You young lady are in a whole butt load of trouble!!" Mrs. Rossi shouted at her daughter. She then turned to Ms. Bustier.

"I am sorry for disrupting the rest of your lesson and I apologize for the trouble my daughter caused. To clear things up none of what she has said is true. Except her name and my job that is. I will be taking her home now where I will be telling her her punishment from me while giving her a lesson on the legal issues and time she is facing. I however will be going to the school board about you and Principal Damocles and your lack of investigation and lack of proper action. To all you that have believed the utter bull crap that has left my daughters mouth I apologize to you as well for her behavior and trouble. I will also say I'm disappointed in you all for trusting a complete stranger and turning your backs on someone you've known and been friends with for years. Good day." Mrs. Rossi said and dragged her daughter out of class and out of the school.

"Most of you all are also being sued for multiple things. Enjoy your summer you traitors. See you soon Alix, Nath, Nino, Brina, Chlo, and Marc!" Cynthia bid her traitorous classmates goodbye, but also bid her friends goodbye as well.

She and Grandma Gina exsisted the classroom, closing the door behind them and noticed all the other classroom doors were open and that all the students and teachers wore smug looks at the commotion they hear and saw.

Gina and Cynthia left the school and went to the Couffaine boat house real quick so Cynthia could say bye to Luka and Kagami who's summer break already began last week.

After that they went to the airport and bordered their flight.

When they landed in Beach City they saw that the rebuilding was nearly finished and a reunion between a tearful father and his children was had. The summer would be nice.

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