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Liyah's POV~

My phone read 12:15pm as we pulled up outside the house. A black mustang was parked in the driveway meaning that someone must have been home. As I studied the house, I noticed a dim light in one of the windows on the upper floor of the house.

"Somebody defo here." Red spoke as we all kept our attention on the house. We made sure not to park directly in front of the house, in case of neighbours or something.

"Aight y'all we got shit to do. Let's roll." Trayvon said as we all hopped out of the truck. The boys came round to the trunk where us girls were. We all had black balaclavas on. I was given a loaded pistol just like the rest. DanieI stayed in the car just in case something happened and we needed to dip.I looked down at the pistol as I firmed my grip. For some reason, I was nervous and I didn't know why.

We all slowly made our ways towards the house, checking our surroundings at all times. I looked at Trayvon who signalled for me, Nora, and Natasha to go through the back while him and Red went through the front. 

As we got closer towards the back, we could hear people. I looked back at the girls. Nora took out a bobby pin. 

She started picking the lock, trying to be as quiet as possible. After a few seconds, she finally got it open. 

"Let's go." Natasha whispered as we all slowly walked in, holding our guns tightly.


Red and Trayvon were already in the house. The house was quite small. Spanish music could be heard playing from the kitchen. As the two of them grew closer towards the kitchen down the hallway, the electricity suddenly turns completely off. 

"What the fuck the is going on?" Red whispered confused as the both of them stood in the hallway, unable to see anything.

"Ion know." Trayvon responded just as confused.

"Put your fucking gun down." A deep voice spoke as Trayvon felt a gun being pointed at him.

"Shit." He whispered as they both slowly put their guns down.

They both slowly turned around. There stood Quincy with his gun aimed right at Trayvon. Just at the corner of his eyes, Bianca appears in the hallway, right beside Quincy. 

"Well look who it is. Trayvon Andre Johnson. Ooooo you even brought your cousin Ragz. Or should I say Red?" She spoke with a devilish smirk.

"Only ppl I fw call me Red. So address me properly." Red responded bluntly completely mugging her.

She simply chuckled and waved him off.

"You really thought sneaking into my condo was gonna work? Look around. I have people everywhere."Quincy spoke in his strong accent, still keeping his gun aimed at both of them.

Trayvon looked around and noticed that him and Red where cornered by more Latin King members.

"Mi amor, go pack up all our cash and drugs." Quincy spoke to Bianca.

"Of course." She said before leaving the hallway walking up the stairs.

"GET OFF ME!" Liyah shouted as her, Nora and Natasha were both dragged into the hallway by Diego Martel and another guy.

"Well, well. You guys didn't come alone." Quincy chuckled as both the girls were thrown next to Trayvon and Red.

"You fucking disgust me." Nora spat completely mugging Quincy.

"Open your mouth one more time and I'll blow your motherfucking head off." Diego responded aggressively, grabbing a handful of Nora's hair and pointed his gun at her forehead.

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