oh no she's back

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Honestly I don't understand people so in my previous stories or is it just this one I don't really know this one girl keeps on coming on to my stories and bringing negativity about how it's illegal yes I know it's illegal which is why I changed th...

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Honestly I don't understand people so in my previous stories or is it just this one I don't really know this one girl keeps on coming on to my stories and bringing negativity about how it's illegal yes I know it's illegal which is why I changed the ages I know over there ages literally I'm not new to this so because she keeps on coming on to my stories and bring her negativity and harassing others I have decided to do some digging on her page and found some very weird stories but she rides like the one above she comes onto my story and literally takes me for tripping to enemies to have a age Gap yet you ship y n and a stuffed animal from my research looks like a Teletubby could you guys give me more information on what that thing is yeah so she ships that together but begged me for shipping to anime characters together they're not real so I don't know why you're so upset and worshiping yourself and an animal stuffy okay and for my user @catcat6187 I'm sorry you have to deal with her negativity I am working on trying to get her off my page even though she makes the most disturbing things and has the right to Peg me on what I make like this isn't a free country thank you all for the support and I will continue to work on this story along with my other one and make new stories I am currently working on one and if you would like to be in it I I need you to comment in the comment section your username and what character you would like to be if you guys are interested comment in the comment section so I can give you guys more information and all the characters that I need please go look at my other stories and thank you very much for everything that you guys have done stay safe love you all

Honestly I don't understand people so in my previous stories or is it just this one I don't really know this one girl keeps on coming on to my stories and bringing negativity about how it's illegal yes I know it's illegal which is why I changed th...

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