the attack

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Izuku’s POV

I was cuddling with my boyfriend shiggy while watching deathnote. I started to get hungry as my stomach growled. Shiggy started laughing since I guess he heard it. We went down stairs to get some food when Toga jumped on me yelling help. While getting up with the help of my lovely boyfriend I asked her what was wrong. She said she went into Dabi’s room and stole his hoodie when he walked in and saw her. Just then Dabi came downstairs and grabbed Toga taking the hoodie off of her and going back up into his room. Toga ran up to our room and grabbed my hoodie and ran back up to her room giggling. I sighed knowing she isn't planing on giving it back for a while, but jokes on her I can still shiggy's hoodies hahahahaha. Me and shiggy went to the kitchen to get some food and snacks when the heroes came busting through the wall. Toga ran out of her room with my hoodie on and Dabi ran out his room with his hoodie on.

Shigaraki’s POV 

Izu and I were going to get food when the heroes broke down our door. Everyone ran from out of our rooms to see what was happening. I yelled for kurogiri to get everyone out of here as the heroes started to attack us. One of the UA brats grabbed MY Izuku trying to get him out of here. I then disintegrated on of the heroes legs little bit and went for Izuku. As I got him from out of that angry pomeranians hold a wrap gate opened up and everyone ran through it. Izuku was on my back when a all might tried to attack us when Izuku used his quirk. All might went flying back and we made it through the wrap gate as it closed right behind us. Izuku was asleep because of how much power he had to use. All for one told mamagiri to wrap us to the location. I was confused as we walked through the wrap gate there was a house in the forest which had the lights on so somebody must live there. We went in and there was a girl with long black hair and a claw scratch that went across her left eye. All for one told us it was Izuku’s cousin and that we would be staying here. After we got our rooms and she showed us around the huge house I layed in bed with Izuku in my arms and drifted off to sleep.

 After we got our rooms and she showed us around the huge house I layed in bed with Izuku in my arms and drifted off to sleep

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Izuku's quirk (how it looks like being used)

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