- T H I R T E E N -

Start from the beginning

"Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me." [Y/N] exclaimed, holding a hand up to her chest. Quickly adding a 'Thank you' she quickly healed any more scrapes she might have gotten whilst trying to escape. Noticing the white-haired man was staring at her stand with a confused look on his face, the girl quickly realized that he didn't know about her stand."Oh, my stand Doja Cat can heal n' stuff. Are you hurt? She has plenty of energy left." Risotto shook his head, signaling that he was fine. He signaled for him to follow him, so the [H/C] haired girl obliged. After a little bit of walking the white-haired man stopped her, leading her into another alleyway - one that wasn't splattered with blood. [Y/N] look at the tall man, a questioning look on her face. Pausing a bit before, Risotto finally spoke,

"What I'm about to tell you is highly classified information. If you answer this question wrong I won't be able to tell you. Listen very closely, do you understand?"

The [H/C] haired girl nodded, suddenly getting very tense. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared. Looking up at Risotto, she awaited the white-haired man's question.

"Are you loyal to the boss of our organization? Do you like him or not?" The tall man's voice rumbled deeply.

Without hesitation [Y/N] replied. "Not at all. I barely know about him."

"Well, everybody does."

"You know what I mean."

Risotto only nodded at her reply before grabbing her wrist and dragging the girl further down the alleyway. The [H/C] haired girl felt terror course through her veins but chose to remain silent and find out where he was taking her.

Once they had stopped, Risotto took a deep breath before continuing.

"I've heard of your stand ability, and I feel like it'd be beneficial to my plans of overthrowing the boss. I want you to help us from the inside and gather intel. You can stay at our base if you'd like. Your pld team won't need to know, but will make sure to kill you if I hear anything come out of your mouth about it or if you decide to rejext my offer. No take backs now, [Y/N]. It goes thr sake for anyone else, so don't act like I'm being unreasonable. Someone"

Letting out a sigh in relief, [Y/N] raised an eyebrow at his statement. She couldn't give a flying fuck about the boss of Passione, she only really cared about Bucciarati's team, and slightly for La Squadra.

With a slight smile on her face, the girl replied. "Psssh, of course, I will. The boss is a piece of shit anyway... buy you won' make me abandon my owk team for this, right? I can just work with you from the inside?"

"That's not allowed, I can't risk you leaking our plans to the boss."

"But I want to stay with my current team, I love them and I don't want to leave them."

Risotto slammed her against the wall that was near some trashcans, her [H/C] hair going flying as he did so. Groaning a little, her eyes unfocused for a bit before looking at the pale-haired man's black and red ones. He met her gaze back, a disapproving look on his face.

"Do you want me to kill you right now?" He asked her. [Y/N] beared a deadpan expression before responding.

"Look, you're a fucking dumbass if you think that me 'suddenly' joining your team isn't going to be suspicious to the boss, especially after I skipped the initiation test. If you're reasonable you would let me stay with my team so I can try to uncover him without raising any suspicions." She ranted, a pouty expression on her face.

Risotto took a moment to process that before letting her go. "Fine," He said. "But if you rat us out - I will not hesitate to dispose of you." He stated, holding out a hand for her to shake. She returned the favor, making it official. [Y/N] was going to betray the boss from the inside.

The tall goth clown finally left her alone, having an assassination to perform, so she dialed Bucciarati's number, letting him know her location so she could be picked up.

A van pulled up 5 minutes later with Fugo at the wheel, with Mista in shotgun. Getting into the car, the two males stared at her clothes, noticing the blood that stained the [F/C] fabric.

"Oh, I delivered the thingy, but some dudes kinda wanted me dead so I had to do some shit, yaknow? I'm kinda pissed cause they ruined my favorite skirt."

The gunslinger snorted at your response, and the strawberry blonde only huffed before driving home. Once they arrived, [Y/N] quickly changed her clothes to a pair of white sweatpants and a [F/C] tanktop.

"Damn, you seem to really like the color [F/C], huh?" Mista questioned.

"Yeah, I really like how it looks. Pretty swag, 10/10 would recommend it to anyone... heeey Mista, you should try putting on some more [F/C], it would look good on you!" The girl exclaimed.

"Eeeeh, maybe. You'll have to get me drunk for that." He responded, chuckling a little. [Y/N] snickered, holding a hand up to her face. "We'll see about that, Mista."

The gunslinger smiled and sat on the couch. He pulled out Sex Pistols, and almost immediately they started bickering.

"Miiiista!! Number three is punching me again!" A teary-eyed number five whined. He quickly separated the two, shaking his head in amusement.

Pulling out her phone, she started to text Pesci.

From: [Y/N] @ 3:00 pm:

yoo can you thank Melone for those cupcakes? they tasted pretty swag

Her friend responded almost immediately, and the [H/C] haired girl let out an amused exhale.

From: Pesci @ 3:00 pm
Yeah, of course!

Settling into the couch, the [H/C] haired girl started to relax after the long and stressful day she had. Maybe tomorrow the gang could hang out together?

Thinking to herself, [Y/N] wondered where they could go as a group. Libbecchio? That one gelato place? Another restaurant? Maybe a bakery of some sort. The many possibilities left her feeling agitated and indecisive.

Maybe she could think about this at another time. It was past three and the [H/C] haired girl was already exhausted. Suddenly she felt a vibration in her pocket. Pulling out her phone she saw that Pesci responded.

From: Pesci @ 3:02 pm

heeey this is melone, i'm glad you enjoyed the cupcakes, they're my secret recipe :)

Typing back a response, she wondered what to say.

From: [Y/N] @ 3:03 pm
they were super good and not too sweet! we should bake sometime, that would be fun

From: Pesci @ 3:03 pm
that would b nice :))

Feeling something small crawl up her shirt she looked down to see one of the bullets.

"Uh, Mista," [Y/N] said. "Your stand is crawling into my bra right now. Oh my- what- WHAT THE FUCK. THERE'S MORE."

The gunslinger started cackling at her surprise but did as she wanted him to and ordered his stand to get out. The [H/C] haired girl had a noticeable blush on her cheeks, still embarrassed from the pistols trying to make their home in her tits.

"Pffff. Hey [Y/N]," Mista said. "I might wear [F/C]..."

"YOU WILL????" [Y/N] exclaimed. "Yeah, but only if you match with me."

"You bet I fucking will."


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