Carina moved to wrap her arm around her wife's waist and kiss her on the lips, "She'll come around to the idea of it, Bella," she told her.

"Twice in one week, I should feel honoured," Aaron approached Maddie with a grin on his face. "And I see you brought Lizzie again," he added.

Maddie turned around and smiled faintly at the older boy, "Thanks for meeting me," she said.

"It's no problem. Are you doing okay?" Aaron questioned concerned.

Maddie shrugged her shoulders slightly and kicked the stones across the floor slightly, "I guess that I'm just finding things difficult right now. My moms want me to talk to a therapist about my feelings and bullshit," she explained.

"Oh, really? That bad, huh?" Aaron asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't want to do it but they're making me go," Maddie told him.

Aaron nodded, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a packet of cigarettes and offering one out to the blonde, "Here," he offered as Maddie took one. "You know, it can't hurt to talk to someone about it," he told her as he pulled out and sparked it up. "I know from my own personal experience that talking to somebody does help," he added.

"Not in my experience," Maddie said as she sighed.

Aaron couldn't help but chuckle slightly as he continued to take drags from his cigarette, "Alright, well maybe not but just go and see what they have to say," he said. "It can't do any harm, hey?" he asked.

"I guess not, no," Maddie reluctantly agreed.

"And if you don't like what they say then you can always walk out of the session," Aaron said as he smirked slightly. "How's everything else going? How's your aunt doing, she's in the hospital still, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, she's still in the hospital," Maddie said as she nodded. "I went with my Tia Andy to see her but she's doing good, I think at least," she told him.

"Well, at least she's on the mend then, right?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, she's getting there," Maddie agreed as she smiled slightly. "Well, I had better get going before my moms call out a search party," she joked.

Aaron looked at her surprised, "They would really do that?" he wondered.

Maddie shrugged her shoulders slightly, "Well, I don't know but I wouldn't put it past them," she said as she couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright then, I guess you'd better go before they do call them," Aaron agreed. "We need to meet up as soon as you're not grounded but I'll see you soon," he added.

"Yeah," Maddie nodded and smiled. "Thanks for meeting me again," she told him grateful.

"Anytime, it's no problem. You know that I like to hang out with you," Aaron told the blonde which automatically had her blushing from cheek to cheek.

"Same," Maddie said as she continued to smile. "Alright, I'm gonna go then. Bye," she waved and walked in the opposite direction.

Maddie opened the front door of the apartment and walked through, bending down to let Lizzie off her leash and run into the apartment, "I'm back, you don't have to call PD and report me missing," she announced sarcastically.

"We were beginning to get worried Bambina," Carina stated from where she sat on the couch with Maya, somehow the blonde woman had convinced her to watch The L Word, despite the jealous feeling she had while she watched her wife practically ogle the women on the TV screen.

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