57. Back To School

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"It's not like she would miss them, honey," Maya pouted as she looked at her wife who just chuckled.

"It doesn't matter, stop eating them!" Carina scolded her wife as she shook her head and ignored her pout, moving forward to kiss her wife on the lips. "Let's just hope that she comes out before it gets cold," she said as she gestured to the food.

"I don't think she will be too long," Maya said as she stared at her wife lovingly. "I told her you were making it for her and you know she loves your french toast a lot," she stated.

Back inside Maddie's bedroom, she had finally decided on an appropriate outfit to wear for her first day back at school, walking back towards her bed, she caught herself freezing in front of the mirror as she stared at herself. The sleep shorts she swore showed the visible scar of the accident. The burns had healed but the scars still remained.

Continuing to stare at the healed wounds, she let a sigh escape her mouth as she ran her thumb over them hastily.

"Mads, come on, hurry up Bambina or you're breakfast will go cold," The voice of Carina called through. "Or worse your mom will eat it," she added lightly.

Maddie flinched at the noise and shook her head while she moved away from the mirror to stop herself from freezing again.

"Ye-Yeah alright, I'm just finishing getting ready," Maddie called back as she quickly got ready in the clothes, making the decision to leave her hair until after she had eaten breakfast and walked into the kitchen space. "Smells good in here. Oooh, french toast. My favourite!" she said as she gave her two moms a smile to hide her feelings so felt.

Carina gave her daughter a smile in return as she handed her the plate. "I know, that's why I thought I would make it for you today, Bambina," she told her.

"Thanks, Mama," Maddie said as she accepted the plate and walked over to the table to sit and eat.

"You're welcome Mads," Carina said as she picked up her own plate and joined her at the table.

"Are you not eating with us mom?" Maddie questioned when she saw Maya begin to make a smoothie.

"No, I have to head into work soon," Maya explained as she continued to blend the green liquid. "So, are you ready to go back to school today, kiddo?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I'm excited!" Maddie exclaimed as she flashed them a smile, she felt anxious but she didn't want to tell either of them that and give them something to worry about.

"Remember to not push yourself further than needed, okay?" Maya said knowingly how her daughter would be. "I know you want to get to normal but ease yourself in," she added.

"Got it," Maddie agreed with a mouthful of french toast. "Mhm, it's so good as always!" she said as she changed the subject quickly.

Maya sighed and looked at the clock. "Alright, I had better head to work before Beckett has another reason to make snarky comments," she told them as she moved to place her smoothie into her backpack.

"Beckett sounds like a total d-bag," Maddie muttered as she continued to eat breakfast.

"Bambina!" Carina scolded.

"What? I never actually said the world," Maddie couldn't help but grin at her mama.

Maya tutted and walked over to the two of them sitting at the table. "Okay, have fun at school, good luck for today and try not to get into any trouble," she said as she kissed the top of Maddie's head.

"Oh please, I don't get into trouble at school," Maddie scoffed.

Both women raised their eyebrows at the teenager. "Are we talking about the same teenager?" Carina questioned.

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