Chapter 10 : Oh, Your Not Running Away

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"I will make your life Freaking miserable, if you don't walk with me right now." He states and I shrug and walk away. The next second I know, he was sprinting and was almost going to get me pushed into the hole of this high square stairs.
I quickly turn sideways making me miss the push and making him go into it.

"Shit!" I say and hear a girl scream too. The next second I know, my hands are gripped to his forearms, everyone goes silent.

"S-save m-m-me" he stammers out, I quickly pull him up and place him on the ground, he slowly slides down the wall while still gripping onto my forearm. He tries to steady his breathing but fails.

"Here" states Justin while giving him a glass of water.

I sigh. "I will take my leave now." I state and walk away, All this is because I really want to eat that burger which is there looking at me sheepishly. I walk over there and point at the burger through the glass and look at the canteen lady.

"One of these please." I state and she stares at me, like I have done some crime. She lifts her hands and gets it to her heart.

"Child, your are a hero, you saved the boy!" She states while starting to sob, and I nod at her while waiting for my burger. Why do these people get so cranky? I know his death was close, but he is safe and alive now, it's not like it was a big thing. I come out from even more dangerous situations. Like not getting caught while on a mission.

"Can I have the burger now?" I ask her and her face turns to realisation and she quickly removes out the burger and gives it to me. I reach my hand in my pocket and got to take out a dollar but she stops me saying

"Please no, you saved the Boy's life, take this as a treat from me" I was going to deny her but then after looking at her, I nod. While turning around I hear Zander through my ear-piece and pressed it to my ear.

"Any errors?" I ask and he shouts

"Dude, your the hero here!" I look up and see everyone clapping for me.

"We have to end this thing and run away from here as soon as possible." I state while increasing my pace in walking with my head down. Zander laughs like a pig through the call. I disconnect Zander and connect to Justin.

"I'm gonna go use the washroom" I say and look at him standing eight feet away from me from the corner of my eye. He gives an understanding nod and I turn towards the washroom, because I hate attention.

I enter the washroom and turn on the tap letting cool water flow while I take some in my hand and splash it on my face.

"Damn, that feels good" suddenly I feel someone approaching the washroom. I quickly take the second last stall as the last one is for only staff and is locked.

After locking myself in the stall, I hear a women burst in the washroom, and stopped

After five seconds, all the stall doors were being opened and checked carefully. Taking my cue to hide, I stood on the toilet and climbed the stall's malemine wall and quietly stood on the locked stall's toilet.

Before she came out to check the third stall, I squat down in the same position, and my breath steady.

She approached the last door and peeked down, and I held my breath. "All clear" she states then starts talking to someone, it can't be identified because she has a bloody ear piece on. 'She is working for them: I say to myself while listening to the conversation. I slowly sneak out my phone and press the record button, you never know when they come out with important answers.

"I really don't know boss. Today we had a group join the school, they are three guys ." The boss says something to her then she continues.

"They seem close to the school's player, Zach." She doesn't know about, Shally. Weird.. I say to myself.

"Boss, I don't think they still know about the school." The unknown women states while turning on the tap and starting to wash her face. I try to stand up a little and see her, she had blonde hair and...

Shit. The mirror was too big, if she turned a little bit I would have gotten caught. I squat in my same position trying to join her words, but not going to lie, it was a little difficult since you don't know what the hell the other person is talking about. I slip my phone's camera out to video how she looks.

"Yes boss, we shall bomb it up as soon as they come." The person on the line again talks then she replies with a

"Ofcourse I trust her, afterall her life is on the line" she says with a laugh at the end.

I hear a bang indicating she left. I quickly connect to Samuel and Zander.

"Zander, the target has just left the women's washroom, quick! She has blonde hair." I state while climbing the stall door and getting down.

"On it" he states. I send Zander the video of her appearance.

"She is heading to the first block on the third floor" states Zander "Samuel, follow her" I state while running out of the washroom.

I connect to Justin's ear piece and took a screenshot of the video where her face is seen the most and send it to Justin and Samuel. I try going in the hallways to check if there is a backup for her as she was mentioning another girl, unless it's her.... Not gonna happen I say to my self while calling Justin.

"Seven" he states.

"See that you keep Shally unknown to the girl I've sent you a picture of okay?" I say while walking out and passing a few students.

"Why?" He asks,

"She is someone that you have to keep Shally away from, just believe me this once." I say to him, he sighs and gives me an "okay fine"

"I found her" states Samuel through the ear piece.

"Let the mission, begin"

To be continued~


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