Chapter 4 : Trying To get Used To The Teammates

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4 hours later

I just hacked into the system and now know that the Mafia ball is held at San Diego California and we are at LA, so my ride will take like one hour and fifty minutes. I sigh and go down to check on the drunk fools.

Wow. I get down to see four drunk fools, maybe dead after drinking so much.

I go closer to them and in vain, they have only passed out while drinking. Well. Poor you Zander, your white couch.... Isn't white anymore.

I take a few steps backwards and take a pic to show Zander how beautiful his couch is. He is going to be really happy.

Than I take out the bottles, keep them aside and tie their hands and legs with a rope.

And click another pic. Well this is gonna be interesting....

I remove their ropes and just throw the bottles out as they didn't help me in this pic.

I send one to Zander. Now only the editing is remaining with the one without alcohol bottles.

I take a last glance at them before moving up and sigh.

I take a blanket and put it over them and squeezed lemon in 4 water bottles and kept it on the table. Then left some bananas on the counter too, and go up to do my needful.

5 minutes later

Finally! Now this pic will go to a very special person.

I dialed the number I found an hour ago while hacking into someone's phone.


"what's up bro?" I ask while keeping the phone away from me since the next sentence will automatically be heard.

"What the hell have you done to my friends!?" The voice on the phone shouts.

I laugh, a really evil laugh.

"Nothing special bro... Just wanted to ask some questions about the biggest mafia, turns out your stupid friends are hopeless. They only know about one person who knows some info on him... And I got your number, it's that easy! Now, if you want to see your precious friends alive... You will give me information about the biggest Mafia. Like that, I might bring your little friends there too, If I'm in a good mood that is... So it's either you give me the information or see your precious friends die in front. Of. Your. Eyes." I state with fake venomous words, which actually came out beautifully evil.

"Who the hell are you!?" The voice shouts

"You will know once you see me at the Mafia ball" I state calmly

"You better not- " the loud voice was cut off when I said.

"Toodles!" And cut the line.

Well if you know you have losers on your group... You should use them without asking them.

3 hours later

I had gone for a night walk at 11 but it turned out that I barged into a scene.

5 men trying to rape a girl. I was really not in the mood to fight.... But what can I do anyway.

Yeah I almost killed them.. but still handed them to the police and got the girl to the house.

The police asked questions to me I just told him 'bruh I did a job easy for ya so shut the hell up and lock them in prison' well they asked for proof that these people were really gonna rape that girl. Really the cops now a days ... Are worse than middle school teachers. I showed them the clip I caught on my secret camera on my cap. They shut up and said that they are sorry and shit and not to tell anyone how they weren't believing me and all and left me.

Her Secret MissionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ