Love Triangle (2)

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You laid beside Lucius, feeling his breath fan your face. Today you were going to Diagon Alley to help Draco shop for his school supplies. It's been a few months but you still haven't got over the fact that you and Severus aren't speaking to each other anymore.

He also left you really confused. He said that you told Lucius that you didn't like him which is false. You ask Lucius about it all the time but he changes the subject. That doesn't stop you from asking all the time though as you want to know the truth.

You heard the door open and your eyes widened. You were only in your bra and panties so you snuggled in closer and pulled the blanket over you a bit more. You know who it was as every morning no matter if someone is awake or not, Dobby brings in a steaming hot cup of tea and once in a while maybe like a few pieces of toast before breakfast.

You saw Lucius' eyebrows furrow together. "Get out, Dobby!"., he yelled and you flinched a bit at his loud voice so early in the morning. You heard Dobby whimper in fear and run out. "Don't yell, Lucius. ..."., you said, closing your eyes., "...It's to early for that".

"Mhm"., he said, still half asleep. He put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. "We have to go soon, Lucius"., he huffed and grumbled. You giggled quietly and kissed his cheek, getting out of bed and going in the shower.


"Lucius, I'm just going to go in here for a moment. ..."., you said, looking up at him., "...I won't be long, I'll get Draco's potion stuff while I'm in here"., he shot you a little smile and you walked into the store, walking over to the cauldrons.

As soon as you were finished, you waved to the shop owner and walked outside not seeing them. "Where is Lucius?"., you questioned yourself, looking around. You walked around looking in store widows, seeing him in Flourish And Blotts. You rolled your eyes as you saw him, talking with the Weasley family and the Potter boy, knowing it cannot be good.

You walked in, seeing the way the kids and Mr Weasley looked at him and you knew he was causing trouble. You put your hand on his back, rubbing circles, trying to get him to leave., "come on, Lucius. ..."., you urged., "...Let's go get the rest of Draco's things".

He turned his head to look at you., "I am in the middle of a conversation"., you hand went down to his waist, slightly pulling him., "please, Lucius we have to go"., you slightly begged him, not comfortable with confrontation.

He nodded and put a book back in the youngest Weasley's cauldron and walked out along with Draco. You apologised to Mr Weasley and the kids, going out to Lucius. As the three of starting walking you looked around and saw Severus in the distance.

Your eyes lit up and you felt a sense of excitement, like kids feel in a candy store. "Lucius, I'll be back in a moment"., you didn't wait for him to answer as you rushed over. You stopped in front of him and when he finally saw you his eyes widened, not knowing what to do. The both of you just looked at each other, waiting for one or the other to say something.

You however just jumped in his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling as you hugged him while Severus stood their frozen. He didn't know what to do, he didn't want to push you away and embarrass you but he also didn't want to hug you.

"Y/n, get off me"., he said quietly. You quickly pulled away from him and you saw his shocked but angry expression. By this time, Lucius had come up behind you, putting his arm around your waist while Draco went into ice cream parlour.

You looked at Severus angrily, turned around to Lucius and pressed your lips against his. Severus' eyes widened and he furrowed his eyebrows, ignoring the sharp pang of sadness. He stormed off and you pulled away, walking into the ice cream parlour.

Severus looked back behind him, feeling dejected. "Why did she hug me for?..."., he said, puzzled., "...She doesn't like me"., the memory of you telling him that you love him filled his head and he huffed. He didn't think you would lie to him, let alone lie about such a topic.

Nevertheless, you were on his mind 24/7 so for once he was actually looking forward going back to Hogwarts as he would be keeping busy, therefore you would be out of his mind...well less anyway. He arrived home and placed down the items he bought, going in his kitchen to make himself a sandwich.

As soon as he was finished he brought the plate out and heard a knock at the door. He scrunched up his nose and furrowed his eyebrows as it was a rare occasion for someone to come to his home. He put the plate down and walked up to the door.

"Who is it?"., he called, putting his hand on the doorknob. "It's Lucius"., Severus rolled his eyes and shook his head., "why are you here?"., "it's about Y/n. ..."., his voice muffled., "...I do not want to discuss this through a door".

Severus rolled his eyes once again and opened the door, motioning him to come inside. Severus sat down and took a bite of his sandwich. "Why do you want to discuss Y/n?"., "because she misses you..very much"., Severus rolled his eyes.

"First, she hates me and now she misses me. ..."., he scoffed and shrugged his shoulders., "...Which one is it?"., Lucius cleared his throat and exhaled., "I know I said she didn't like you but that day she came over and ended it with me because she loves you".

Severus sat up, putting his food down., "the way she looked at you today, I doubt that has gone away"., Severus refused to believe it and once again scoffed as he crossed his arms., "she kissed you right in front of me, I don't think she does".

Lucius shook his head and cleared his throat., "you know what she's like. That night after you left her house she came over to my home in tears"., Severus sighed, feeling a pang of sadness in guilt in his chest., "I didn't mean to make her cry"., he muttered softly.

"Now I admit it, I was only trying to wind you up when I said that, I apologise for causing this fight between the both of you"., Severus furrowed his eyebrows together, looking at him., "this is all your fault"., Severus said angrily.

"Yes, I know..."., Lucius said, trying to calm the situation down"., "and I apologised"., Severus scoffed., "yes of course, because an apology makes everyone better"., he said sarcastically., Lucius rolled his eyes and stood up, starting to leave.

"Wait a moment. ..."., Severus said, standing up., "...Where is she now?"., "she went home after she saw you in Diagon Alley"., Severus nodded and walked over to the coat rack, putting his coat on. "I must tell you, she looked pretty upset when she went back home".


You walked out of your kitchen with a steaming hot bowl of soup in your hand. You sat at your kitchen table, resting your head in your hand, just thinking about everything over the past few months as you stirred the liquid around.

A knock at the door snapped you out of your thoughts. "Hold on a moment"., you said, getting up and putting the spoon down. You rushed over to the door and opened it, seeing Severus rubbing his hands together to keep them from turning into icicles.

"Can I come in?"., you motioned him in and quickly shut the door so the cold wouldn't get in more than it already has. "What are you doing here?"., you questioned, though happy to see him. "Can we sit down? I'll explain everything".

You nodded, the two of you walked into the dining area and you motioned him into sit down. "would you like some soup? I just made some"., he smiled and nodded., "yes please"., Severus fiddled with his fingers as you walked into the kitchen.

You placed a bowl and some cutlery in front of him, sitting back in front if your bowl., "thankyou, Y/n. ..."., he said as he shot you a smile and had a little bit., "...Mmm, it's very nice"., you smiled and nodded., "thankyou".

He put the spoon down and cleared his throat., "Lucius came and talked to me"., you tilted your head slightly., "he told me that what he said that day, he was only trying to wind me up"., you gasped quietly., "he caused this fight between us?".,"yes"., you nodded, taking it all in., "well that would explain why every time I asked him about it, he changed the subject".

He nodded., "well, sounds like Lucius. ..."., he sighed., "...He also told me you went to end it with him that day"., you nodded and he smiled at you, standing up. He gently pulled you up and into his arms. You stood on your tippy toes and wrapped your arms around his neck., "are we okay?"., you asked hopefully. He smiled and kissed your forehead., "we're okay, my love".

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