The Astronomy Tower - Re-upload

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Mentions Of Blood and Death
It's been a hard year at Hogwarts with you, seeing you die right in front of him is something that will haunt him for the rest of his life.

Severus walked into your shared home and looked around to see that you weren't anywhere in the lounge area. "Y/n? I'm home!"., he placed his stuff down on the sofa and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Y/n?"., it was very normal for you to come and see him when he returned home so he was already a bit on edge., Severus got his wand out of his sleeve and started walking upstairs., "love? Where are you?"., you didn't answer again and panic started to rise up in him.

He opened the door to the bedroom and heard the shower running coming from the connected lavatory. He let out a sigh of relief and walked up to the door., "love, I'm home"., he tilted his head in confusion when you didn't answer him, knocked on the door and it creaked open.

"Y/n?"., he opened the door and saw a red liquid on the floor, the panic came back in him and he looked up to see you lying in the bathtub in a pool of blood., he ran up to you to see that you were bleeding from your arms and neck, his immediate thought was that you did this to yourself.

"No, no, no. Hey, hey hey, Y/n"., he slowly turned your head and saw your almost lifeless eyes., "why would you do this?! What happened?!"., all you could say was: "I-I...d-didn't"., Severus heart dropped., "what?! W-who did this to you?".

He took off his robe and held it against your neck, looking around for something else to hold against your wrists., "fuck! Who did this to you? Please tell me!"., you tried to answer but the deep laceration on your neck stopped you from doing so.

A lone tear streamed down his face as he watched you close your eyes., "no no, hey, come on, p-please, open your eyes, love"., he saw you trying your best to keep your eyes open and it just made his heart break even more., "j-just please keep your eyes open".

It took a lot of your strength but you brought your hand up to rest it on his., "I-I'm...sorry"., your eyes fully closed and he rested his head on the edge of the bathtub starting to sob.

12am came around and Severus got up to the Astronomy Tower and leaned on the railing., he watched the snow fall., tears started streaming down his cheeks as a snowflake fell on his hand, remembering the best memory he has, the first time you both said "I love you".

Severus put the carrot on the snowman and turned around to see you weren't there., "Y/n?Where did you go?"., Severus looked around to see nothing but snow for miles and miles., he put his hand on his forehead, rubbing it.

"Y/n, love? Where are you?"., he felt something cold on his shoulder., he whipped around and saw you holding multiple snowballs with a smirk on your face., "I'm here, Sev"., you threw another snowball and it hit his face.

He gasped and you stifled your laughter as he brushed off the snow on his hair., he quirked an eyebrow and smirked, picking up some snow and forming it into a ball., "so...this is how you want to play, huh?".

You smirked and ran behind a tree, hiding from him., Severus picked up some more snow and formed it into balls. As soon as he finished getting ready he felt another snowball, this time on his chest., "it's on now".

He threw the snowball at you and so there it was, the both of you in a full blown snowball fight., about a minute or so later you ran out of snowballs and saw that Severus still had a one in his hand., your eyes widened and you started running away.

Moments later, Severus watched you from his hiding spot as you stopped running once you realised that he wasn't following you. You looked around and once you were facing the other way, Severus tried his best not to make the snow crunch so loudly under his feet as he creeped up behind you.

Thankfully you didn't hear him and he wrapped his arm around you, while having a snowball in his other hand., "ahh! You scared me!"., he laughed and kissed your shoulder, kissing up your neck., you let out a soft moan and he smirked against your neck as he brought his other hand up, planting it directly on your head.

"Sev!"., you whined., he chuckled against your skin and turned you around, pressing his lips against yours., "I love you, Y/n"., you smiled at him and pressed his lips back against his., "I love you too, Sev".

The memory went from his mind and he broke down on the floor and starts sobbing, rocking back and forth with his hands on the back of your head. He tried to find out any information about who did this to you but to no avail and it hurt him so much that he couldn't figure out who took you away from him.

He looked up at the moon and it shined down on him., "Y-Y/n, love? Is that you?"., a voice appeared in his head and he recognised it to be yours., "hello, handsome"., tears brimmed his eyes as he heard your beautiful voice finally speaking to him again.,"I've missed you so much, love"., "I've missed you too. So tell me, how has your year been?".

He sighed and shook his head., "ugh, it's been absolutely horrible. The Chamber Of Secrets was opened and through the the whole year students were petrified, but of course Potter and his friends saved the school one again. Oh and the teacher that was assigned for the The Defence Against The Dark Arts position was your favourite author, Gilderoy Lockhart".,

"Ugh, are you serious?"., he could literally hear your eyes roll and he laughed., "yeah, I'm serious"., "jeez. How about the students, are they okay now?"., "yes, they're safe now"., "thankfully"., "as suspected, Lockhart knew absolutely nothing, I'm very much convinced that that nobody learned anything that year".

"Well that sounds extremely tiring. How on earth did you ever get through the year?"., "'s been hard without you, love. But you're here now"., he looked up and saw you standing in front of him, you looked untouched, in pristine condition., he basically shot up and reached out for your hand to which, you backed away making him break down into tears.

"Sev, what's the matter?"., he looked up as he heard the distress in your voice and saw you leaning down in front of him., he again tried to cup your cheeks again you back away, again leaving him in confusion and tears.


He snapped out of it to see not you in front of him but to see his and yours very good friend, Ian Cooper., he looked at Ian in confusion and moved him to the side., "n-no I just saw Y/n, where is she?!"., Ian looked at him with sadness in his eyes., "she's not here-".

Severus glared at him and cut him off., "shutup! She is here. I know what I saw!"., he got up and started searching around the whole tower., "Y/n, where did you go?"., "Sev, I'm here"., your voice appeared again and he gasped in happiness.

"See, I told you she's here, I just heard her. Love, where are you?"., "Severus, I didn't hear anything"., "clean out your ears"., as Severus looked around for you, Ian seemed to notice what was going on and he tried to think of something that would make Severus see it too.

"Y/n. W-where did you go?"., "I'm here, Sev"., he looked over and saw you standing by the railing., "see I told you, Ian"., "hey, love"., he got closer to you and you disappeared again, seeing Ian looking at him with pity.

"Severus, listen to me and listen very carefully to every single word I say"., Ian said while grabbing his shoulders., "you're going to drive yourself crazy. She is in your head. Believe me, I miss her too but she is not here"., Severus looked at him with anger in his eyes and lifted up his arm, punching Ian smack bang in the cheek.

As soon as that happened Ian stepped away and Severus saw you pressing your hand against your face and tears streaming down your cheeks. That's when Severus finally realised. He broke down to the floor and started sobbing loudly.

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