Orphan (2)

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A Week Later
a/o/n - abbreviation of name
You walked down with your trunk to the first floor as you promised you would say goodbye to the kids. After all, who else have they got. You walked onto the floor and heard squealing and laughing. You looked around and saw them running around.

"Hey kids!"., you smiled, waving., "a/o/n!"., majority of them yelled as they ran over and tackled you to the ground. You laughed as they all hugged you., "I just came to say goodbye for the time being"., they were all sad about this and hugged you tighter.

"I promise to see you all soon". After a few more moments they got off of you and you stood up. "Come on now, time to go to the cafeteria!"., the lady called out., they all gave you one last hug and waved to you as they followed each other and the lady to the cafeteria.

You waved to them and pushed your trunk to the exit. You were walking to Hogsmeade station as you haven't learned how to apparate yet. You felt rain fall down on your shoulders and you groaned in annoyance and you reached to your side, conjuring up an umbrella.

As it was one of the umbrellas with the curved hook, you hooked it with the held the handle for your trunk and waved your wand in a circular motion, a rope tying it so it stood up by itself. The rain fell heavier and it rebounded off of the concrete, hitting your bare legs.

"Y/n!"., you heard someone call out. You turned around and saw a girl your age that's in the room next to you. "Hey, Bailey!"., you waved., "can I walk with you?"., you smiled and nodded., "sure, of course"., you waited for her and the two of you walked side by side, making some friendly chatter, deciding to sit next to each other since you have nobody else.

The two of you arrived at the station and gave Bailey a wave as she went to find seats. You rolled your eyes and sighed in frustration as you saw one of the three of the guys that you hate with an absolute passion. Leon looked at you and walked over.

"Oh look. ..."., Leon sighed out, looking behind you., "...So where are your bodyguards?"., you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes., "they were being gentleman, something you and your stupid little friends wouldn't know".

Leon looked at you angrily and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt., "you should learn to shut your mouth, L/n"-., "Leon?..."., an unfamiliar voice called out, what you can only assume is his mother., "...my cuddle bug? Where did you go?".

You snickered., "aw, you better go cuddle bug, Mommy is calling you"., "at least I have a mother, orphan"., you looked at him angrily., "oh, there you are. ..."., she looked at the both of you and Leon quickly stepped away from you.

"...And is this the beautiful girl, you're always talking about"., you scoffed and shook your head., "oh Merlin, no. ... you said baffled., "...He bullies me, I would never date your son. ..."., you smirked at him and he glared at you., "...Now if you excuse me I have to go find my seat".

You walked away, holding in your laugh as you heard his mother scolding him. After you gave your luggage to the man you found Bailey within a few minutes walking through the narrow isles of the train and smiled at her as you sat down.


Severus scratched the back of his neck as he walked up to Dumbledore's office, knocking on the door, feeling like he was in trouble. "Come in"., Severus opened the door and Albus looked at him. "Good evening, Albus"., "good evening, Severus.

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