New Experience (1)

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You walked downstairs in a one of Severus' shirts, smelling the pizza bites in the oven. You grabbed the oven mitts and opened the oven, pulling out the tray and put it on the stovetops in the back to cool down. Right now Severus was out at the library that had just opened in Diagon Alley, while you were preparing for the picnic you were taking him on.

Today is Severus' 23th birthday and you were determined to make it the best birthday he's ever had, having a few little surprises up your sleeve. You and him have been together for 3 years and you had just recently moved in with him.

You previously made sausage rolls and now they were cooled off you started to put them in a container and into the picnic basket. Already in there was sandwiches, treacle tarts, a salad, two glasses, two plates and some water and wine.

All that was left to apply the frosting to cupcakes. You walked over to the draw and grabbed out the offset spatula and the previously filled piping bag and put the cupcakes in front of you. You had made six cupcakes and you had planned to two of each with the same design.

A simple swirl with a cherry on top, hearts and funny faces with sprinkles on the last two. As soon as you picked up the piping bag you heard the front door opened and your eyes widened as you started running towards the door.

"Darling, I'm home. ..."., Severus called out., "...Smells delicious"., he saw you running up to him and smiled as you hugged him., "hello, my love. ..."., you said as you pressed your lips against his., "...You can't come in the kitchen yet I'm afraid. I'm not ready yet".

He chuckled and nodded, kissing your forehead., "I need a shower anyway, I'll be upstairs"., he pressed his lips against your forehead again and started heading upstairs. You raced back into the kitchen and started to carefully frost the cupcakes, trying not to make any mistakes.

You let out a long exhale as you finished the frosting. You pushed the tray away from the edge of the kitchen counter and grabbed out two cherries from the packet, carefully putting them on top, putting your hands over your mouth as you carefully stepped away.

You put the sprinkles on and opened the cupboard and got out a two containers, one for the cupcakes and another for the pizza bites. You closed the picnic basket and let out a sigh of relief as you finished everything.

You started to walk upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door., "love I'm done"., "great, come and join me"., you took off the remainder of your clothes and opened the door., he looked at you and smiled., "you look beautiful, darling".

You smiled as you stepped in with him and pressed your lips against his., "thankyou. ..."., you smiled., "here, turn around Sev, and I'll wash your back"., he did as you said and you grabbed the body wash and squirted some on his back, rubbing it all over and massaging his back.

He sighed contently and closed his eyes, biting his lip. While continuing to wash his back you stood on your tippy toes and started to kiss his neck. You smirked and put your hands on his stomach, gently running your fingers along his stomach.

Another smirk found its way onto your face as you heard him groan and you tutted, shaking your head., "you'll have to wait until tonight, Severus. I have a few surprises for you"., he let out a whine and you chuckled, placing another quick kiss on his neck.

Twenty minutes went by and you stepped out of the shower, immediately letting out a sigh in annoyance., "damn it. I forgot a towel for myself"., "just take mine, darling and get me another"., "are you sure?"., he nodded and you smiled, putting the towel around yourself.

After you grabbed a towel for him you went into the drawers, starting to pick out the perfect outfit for your day out. After careful consideration you picked out one of Severus' white dress shirts and short but not to short shorts with black suspenders along with undergarments.

As you started to get changed Severus walked out and admired the view in front of him for a moment. You looked back at him and smirked as you started to change. Severus went to grab his usual attire but remembered the outfit you bought and walked over to the drawers.

He grabbed out the black sweater and black trousers., "darling, can you grab me the black boots you bought"., you nodded and he grabbed out a pair of socks, dried himself and started to change., "so where are we going for this picnic?".

You clasped your hands together and smiled., "it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now, would it?"., he rolled his eyes and smirked, putting on the rest of his clothes as you went downstairs to get the basket and picnic blanket.

You's arrived at the location and looked up at Severus and smiled as he took in his surroundings with a big smile on his face., "this place is beautiful"., you nodded, put the blanket and basket down, starting to get the food out.

Severus sat down on the blanket and looked at you for a moment, smiling., "y-you did all of this for me?"., you looked at him and smiled back., "of course, I love you"., tears brimmed his eyes and he looked at you with a smile on his face as you continued to set everything out.

He leaned forward and kissed your forehead., "I love you too"., you looked at the food you made with a sense of pride and sighed happily., "this all looks delicious. You did good, darling"., you smiled again and grabbed a plate for Severus before you got food for yourself.

"Mm, so Sev, how was the library?"., his lit up and it made you happy seeing him like that., "oh, it was incredible. I finally the book I've been looking for, for a while and I borrowed it"., "Lord of the Flies, right?"., he smiled and nodded.

"How was your day?"., you put your hand over your mouth for a moment, swallowing the food and clearing your throat., well most of the day was just cooking and I really enjoy it, it's definitely becoming a hobby of mine, that and dancing of course".

"Can I ask you something?"., Severus said, putting his hand on yours., "yes of course"., you said, giving him your full attention., "I was thinking we could get our first animal together. What do you think?"., your eyes lit up as you nodded vigorously., "yes, yes! A million times yes. What kind of animal are you thinking of?".

"Well, when I was heading to the library today, I past The Magical Menagerie and I might of went in and took a peek inside. The kittens were adorable so I thought we could get one?"., You nodded and smiled., "I would love to get a kitten"., he smiled again and brought your hand up to his lips, kissing your hand.

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