Forbidden Crush

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You and your brother, James pushed your luggage on platform 9¾, eager to get on the train and see your friends. "Oi Prongs!"., you heard Sirius call out. James heard him too and looked around, smiling widely as he saw him., "Padfoot!".

"Hey mate!..."., Sirius said, patting his back., "Moony and Wormtail are over there! Oi Moony Wormtail, get over here!"., Sirius said, motioning them over., "hey sis, go get our seats on the train, we'll meet you there".

You nodded and pushed your luggage through the crowds of kids and over to the luggage cart where you were met with an old and greasy man. "Here you go, sir"., you smiled politely at him and walked onto the train.

"Hey, Y/n!"., said someone from your year., "Oi it's Y/n, hey!"., said another., you waved and smiled at them. You got on your tippy toes, looking over people's heads to see if there was any empty seats or empty carriages.

"You found us some seats yet?"., you looked behind you and nodded., "uh, yeah. I think there is one over there"., "lead the way"., Sirius said, patting your shoulders with both hands. You slid the carriage door open and saw that there was only room for four people.

James looked at you and you shrugged your shoulders., "you's take the seats, I'll find somewhere else"., "you sure, sis? ..."., James said., "...We can find different seats"., "it's fine. ..."., you nodded., "...I'll see you's at the station".

You walked in the narrow isle and came across a seemingly empty carriage. You let out a sigh of relief and opened the door, seeing Severus Snape sitting there reading a book, blocking his eye view, slumping against the window. There is nowhere else, you would have to sit here, if you don't wish to sit on the floor.

He finally removed the book from eyes view and quickly sat up, gulping. He put the book down by his side and cleared his throat. "I don't have anywhere else to sit, uh would you- do you mind?"., he shook his head vigorously and motioned to the empty seat in front of him.

You were two years below him, he is 17 and you are 15. That hasn't stopped him from developing a crush on you. He knew that is was a bit unrealistic to have a crush on one of his bully's sibling's and that would make them hurt him more but he couldn't help it.

You sat down and let your head rest back for a moment and he couldn't help but stare, completely forgetting about the book. As soon as your head started to return to it's normal position he whipped his head to the side, pretending to look out the window.

"Anything from the trolley?!".

Your ears perked up as you heard that sentence in the distance and reached into your pocket, grabbing out some sickles from your pocket. You looked at Severus and saw he was interested in what you heard as well., "a-are you going to get anything?"., you asked.

He wanted to but he didn't have any money., ", I'm not hungry"., Severus said, quite unconvincingly as he picked his book back up. "Anything from the trolley, dears?"., "ooo, uh..."., you looked at the many options not being able to choose between Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean, Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Frogs, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Jelly Slugs, Liquorice wands, and Pumpkin Pasties.

"Uh, I'll take the lot please"., you passed her the right amount of money and she put the sweets in your arms. You put them in between you and Severus and sat down.

"Here you go"., you smiled., "Uh, w-what are you doing?"., "I'm sharing"., you said as you opened the Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean box and placing it back down. As you opened a cauldron cake box Severus fiddled with his fingers. You looked at Severus and saw him looking at the food.

"I bought it for the both of us, Severus"., you said as you grabbed out a cauldron cake and held it out to him. He reluctantly took it from you and gave you a nervous smile., "uh t-thankyou"., you smiled at him and put your hand in the Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean box, picking one at random.

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