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Severus and Flora are 27 in this story and you are 23

"Hurry up!"., Flora yelled from downstairs, resting her hands on her hips and tapping her foot impatiently. Severus was just sitting in an armchair in his office with on leg over the other, reading the Daily Prophet.

When Severus didn't answer her, Flora looked at their seven year old., "stay here and eat your dinner, Mabel. ..."., she said angrily., "...I've got to go have a chat with your stupid father"., as Flora started to storm up the stairs, Mabel frowned.

Severus turned the page and the door slammed open, startling him a bit., "what?"., Severus said angrily., "we have to go!"., Flora yelled, snatching the Daily Prophet out of his hand., "what the bloody hell is your problem!"., he yelled, standing up.

"Open your ears and listen next time, ..."., she yelled., "...I said we have to go!"., they were going to have dinner at Flora's parents house. Ugh Flora's rich, snobby parents. If Severus hated anyone more it was them, he hated them as much as he hated The Dark Lord.

Severus rolled his eyes and snatched the newspaper back., "stop taking my things"., he muttered, putting it on his desk., "what did you say?!"., she angered out., "I said don't take-"., the door creaked open and the both of them looked at the door, shutting up immediately.

Like the majority of parents they didn't like to argue in front of Mabel seeing how upset she got. Severus scratched the back of his neck and walked up to her, kissing her head., "what's wrong, sweetheart?"., "the babysitter is here".

"Okay, we'll be down in a moment"., he smiled and Mabel started walking downstairs. Severus closed the door and looked at his wife angrily. "You need to stop making arguments out of nothing, it upsets Mabel!"., he whisper yelled.

"They are completely reasonable arguments. ..."., she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes., "...And if you weren't such a stupid fucking idiot you-"., Severus rolled his eyes, not even bothering to listen to this bullshit and started heading downstairs.

You sat on the sofa very awkwardly, resting your hands on your thighs as you waited for one of them to come downstairs. There was no denying that you heard the argument but you weren't going to say anything as it wasn't your place whatsoever. But what you have noticed over time is that the only thing they have in common is that they love their daughter.

Severus walked down the stairs and grabbed his coat from the coatrack and his shoes on the ground. Mabel walked from the kitchen with a chocolate chip cookie in hand. "Can I come and see Grandma, Dad?"., Mabel called out from the living area.

Severus scoffed softly and shook his head. He couldn't exactly tell his daughter that her own snobby Grandmother didn't want to see her so he had to quickly make up a lie. "I would love too but then who would look after Norris?".

Mabel seemed to think that answer was acceptable and nodded., "can I give Norris some of my cookie?"., Severus shrugged his shoulders and nodded., "I don't think it would hurt him"., he walked into the living area and stopped in his tracks.

Merlin, she's gotten even more beautiful

Oh my gosh, he's so attractive

You looked and Severus looked at each other for a few moments but you quickly looked away when you saw his wife coming down. "Hurry up, Severus"., Flora said, not yelling but holding an incredible amount of anger.

"Goodbye, Mom"., Mabel said, looking down at the cat and patting him while waving with the other., "goodbye sweetie"., "goodbye, Dad"., Severus smiled at her and waved., "goodbye sweetheart"., he said and turned his attention to you, staring at you for a few moments.

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