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You were sitting in the car with your brother Nate and one of the Howards sisters. You were going to a news Years party and not gonna lie, you were actually scared. It's one of your first parties. Of course you've been out drinking and smoking with your friends, but never to an actual party. You wear a skirt and a crop top, which is hidden by an oversized hoodie.

You get interrupted in your thoughts because Cassie turns the volumen of the radio up, puts her head out of the car and dances as good as she can in a car. You roll your eyes and put headphones in, so you can listen to your own music. After a few songs, you finally arrive and you step out of the car immediately.

You look around in awe, it was huge, everywhere were people, so many, you couldn't count them. "bye, don't do anything stupid" Nate says. You took his words in but don't care to answer. He didn't actually cares about you or anyone else, besides himself. both of you knew it and you've accepted the fact by the time you were 8.You turn around and search foor any familiar faces, more or less for Gia or Troy, who were one of your best friends. "Gia is already inside" You hear Rue saying. "Uh, thanks" You smile and make your way inside.

You see a brunette walking towards you, who looks very stressed"Have you seen Cassie?" the younger Howard asks you. You shake your head and get a notification on your phone, saying that Troy, Gia and others are upstairs on a roof. You quickly take a cup, fill some random liquors in it and go upstairs. Thankfully you find them first try.

There's Gia, Troy, a boy around your age with dope face tattoos and another boy, who looks very average. "Hi Y/n" Gia says and both, Gia and Troy hug you. You say hi to the unknown boys. "That's Ash and that's Finn "Troy introduces them and points to each of them. "y/n" you say and sit next to your best friend Gia. You can feel Ash's stare on you, but you just try and ignore it. You wonder wether Ash is his first name or just a nickname.

"I like your face tatts" you say and try to start a conversation since the silence gets a bit awkward. "Thanks, do you have any tattoos yourself?" thank god, he actually answered, you thought to yourself before you answer "Actually yes, well more or less. I have two pretty faded stick and pokes, but I'd like to get some" you smile and but your head on your knees to face Ast. "That's dope! I can give you some someday, only if you want of course" he smiles a bit shy, which is absolutely adorable.

You quickly answer and both of you are so focused on each others, that you don't notice that the others have left, so that you have some time with each other. You two talk about everything and even make a time out to meet up, so that he can tattoo you and you decided to go out after it. You really enjoyed it and even now, where you lay in your bed, you can't stop thinking about him, his voice and his smile.

Hopefully he'll text you soon, is all you can think of and suddenly you get a notification, your eyes glimmer in excitement as you look at the bright screen. An unknown number texted you ,, Hey! It's me, Ashtray". You were right, Ash is just an alias. You unlock your phone and quickly text back. ,,hey:)". After you click on send you stare impatiently on your screen, counting every second with the hope that he'll answer soon. ,,I rlly liked this evening" His reply makes you blush very hard.

,,Yeah, me too<3". First you were unsure if you should add the heart but you've decided so, hoping that it wouldn't scare him off in any way. ,,Ik it's v random, but do u wanna hang out tmrw?<3" Your heart flickers while you read his response. "I'd love to<33" You really like the fact that he also used the heart, it's a huge green flag for you personally, ,,yay! What u wanna do?" You thought for a good minute, until you finally answer ,,Idc, maybe we could go on a picnic or do a movie marathon, but I actually don't care:D" hopefully he won't be down tuned by your replies.

,,I love the ideas, maybe we could go on a picnic and, idk if you like marvel, but do a Marvel marathon" You squeal into your pillow ,,I really like the idea! Can we maybe talk about it tmrw? I'm really tired:/" It was already 4 am and you know that your parents would be mad if you oversleep the breakfast "Sure, good night and sleep well<3". You smile and answer with a "you2<3"

hey!!I've decided to write some images cuz I personally couldn't find good euphoria images

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I've decided to write some images cuz I personally couldn't find good euphoria images. I still have to adapt on writing images/one shots but I hope you like it:3

I'll write for every character, but I won't write hard smut for Ashtray or Javon since we're both minors, but I'll include kissing and very light smut. I won't do fluff for Cal and Nate, because I really really dislike both of them and (atm) I can't see myself writing anything besides smut for them. Other than that, I'll write everything for everyone<3
You can request a plot/character Pn or in the comments and it means a lot to me if you'd vote

Anyways, please drink&eat smth and don't forget that you're loved!!

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