Bailey worked to extubate the tube that was blocking Maddie from speaking. "Alright, the tube's out. So Maddie, your throat's going to feel a little raw so try not to talk as much for now, okay?" she paused as she was paged. "Ah, okay I'm needed for a consult, but I am going to page Amelia to come and do her neuro checks," she told the two women.

"Grazie Bailey," Carina said thankful while Maya sends a nod in the women's direction before Bailey walked out.

"Hey kiddo. Do you want some water to drink?" Maya offered, motioning to the jug of water on the table.

Maddie pulled a face at the mention of water. Usually, Maddie isn't much of a fan of water choosing soda or juice if she is given the option.

"It'll help your throat Bambina," Carina pointed out softly.

Maddie continued to pull a face but nodded, watching as Maya picked up the jug of water and poured it into a plastic cup.

"Here you go kiddo," Maya said, handing over the cup of water with a straw in.

"Small sips Bambina," Carina said in encouragement.

Maddie took a drink and then handed it back to Maya who placed it on the table in front of them.

"M-Mom... ma-mama..." Maddie spoke quietly and worriedly, not sure of what happened or why she was in the hospital.

Maya smiled softly at her daughter, "Hey princess." She said.

"Hi Bambina," Carina said as she smiled at the thirteen-year-old as well. "How do you feel?" she questioned.

"S-Sore. My throat hurts and m-my head as well..." Maddie said and frowned. "What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" she asked.

Maya's heart sunk and she frowned. "You don't remember?" she wondered.

"No." Maddie shook her head and her lip trembled worriedly. "Wh- What happened?" she asked.

Carina looked at her wife who looked worried, she held one of her hands to reassure her as she took a hold of Maddie's other hand that Maya hadn't let go off yet. "You're in the hospital Bambina, you got into a bit of trouble, and you were found lay unconscious on the sidewalk," she explained to the teenage girl.

"It's all a bit of a blur." Maddie mumbled worriedly.

"It's okay kiddo. It will all come back to you soon," Maya stated, trying to push her own fears aside for the sake of her daughter who was vividly worried.

"I-I feel nauseous," Maddie mumbled before she leaned forward and wretched, Carina moved quickly to grab a disposable sick bowl for the thirteen-year-old to throw up into.

"It's okay kiddo. Let it all out," Maya said as she moved to rub her daughters back in comfort

"Here Bambina, drink some more water. It'll help," Carina said as she gently handed her the cup back to the teenager who accepted it and took small sips.

"Water's gross." Maddie commented as she drank the water.

Maya chuckled and smiled as she leaned over to hug her daughter. "I'm so glad that you're awake, Mads!" she exclaimed.

"O-Ow mom, you're hugging me too tight!" Maddie said as she giggled.

"Sorry Mads, I'm just happy that you're awake. You really gave us a such a scare!" Maya exclaimed as she eased hugging her too tightly. "Just wait until I tell everyone that you're awake they will be so happy," she added.

"All my aunt and uncles are here?" Maddie questioned confused. "Grandma and uncle Mason?" she continued to ask.

"Well, all your auntie and uncles are in the waiting room," Maya explained gently and paused. "And Grandma and uncle Mason are on their way to the hospital," she said.

Troublemaker | Station 19Where stories live. Discover now