The Days After Harryween - 3

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We ate breakfast together, reminiscing about the times when I was 10 thinking I was pregnant, my mom talked about how I shoved a pillow up my shirt and walked around the room with one hand on my back and the other in the 'bump'.

There were even times when my period would come days late and I'd run to my mom to tell her I was pregnant, although I hadn't done anything with anyone.

She then reminded me of the time I blurted out 'I want to have his children' randomly when we were watching One Direction on James Corden and Harry had his long hair with his blue long sleeve button up while getting his tattoo done. Keep in mind Harry and I didn't meet until a few years later and I'm a couple years younger than him so teenage Y/N was definitely dreaming big.

"Just put the dishes in the washing machine and we can go."

The drive to the doctor's was a rough 20 minutes, 30 with this New York traffic and crazy drivers. This whole thing wasn't ideal, especially if I were to give birth probably would have to give birth to Baby Styles in the range. This was definitely something to talk to Harry about, New York was not a place to settle down and have kids, re-locating was probably a good idea for us.

"Welcome, do you have an appointment with us?" The receptionist asked.

I gazed at her name tag that read 'Mary' and responded with, "Hi, Mary. I have an OBGYN appointment with Doctor Russell for 12pm. My name is Y/N Y/L/N."

"Alright perfect Ms.Y/L/N, here's a clipboard for the questionnaire and when you're done you can just hand it to the nurse that calls your name. Dr. Russell is quite popular with the pregnant woman so it might be a little wait, but she knows her stuff so there's no need to worry." She smiled graciously at me while I grabbed the clipboard and a pen from the desk.

My mom and I sat near the corner of the room, many eyes were focused on me and it made me slightly anxious. I kept my head down and focused on the paperwork I needed to fill out, basic questions about my healthy, fitness, and sexual activity. I've been filling out my papers on my own since I was a teen, but still tended to shift my body away from my mom when answering the last page about sexual activity.

My mom rolled her eyes at my movement and I gave her an innocent smile.

"If you weren't active then we wouldn't be here right now, plus I bet you and Harry have loads of sex and I'm not one to judge. I mean I'd do the same if I got married to Leonardo DiCaprio."

"Mom!! Hush! No one needs to know about my sex life and no one definitely needs to know about your sexual desires with Leo. I'll tell dad" I half whispered and half scolded. I looked around the room to make sure no one heard and fortunately we were in the clear.


I grabbed my phone out of my jean pocket and saw a text message from my lovely man.

Harry: Hey babe. I'll be home around 5, I'll pick up dinner for us so you can relax the whole day. Miss you tons, lovebug. See you soon.

Me: I can't wait!! I've missed your warm hugs, I'll see you then.

Me: Also, can you bring Chinese?

Harry: Of course, anything for my lover.

Me: I love you.

Harry: I love you always.

"Ms.Y/L/N?" A nurse swung open the door as she called out my name.

"Hi, you can call me Y/N." I smiled. "This is my mother Y/M/N."

"Lovely to meet you both. I see we're here to confirm a pregnancy and perhaps even see the baby?" She asked as we hauled through the long corridor of doorways filled with patients.

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