🔥 (2-Shot) Flames ~ 2

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Hey Everyone!!! It's Vera here and thank-you soo much for all the love on all the previous parts! ❤️ ~ Here's part 2, hope ya'll like it! Feedback is greatly appreciated! 💖


Karan gained consciousness, there was complete silence around him and his body felt sore. His mind replayed the scenes from the last hour before he'd passed out and he abruptly got up which sent a series of pain through his body, but she was the only thing that was on his mind at the moment. 

"Monami!" he yelled out as he looked around frantically trying to take in the setting. Faizi, who'd dozed off on the chair beside him, stood awoke and ran to his best friends side. "Karan, tum theek ho? Relax!" Faizi said as he patted Karan's back. 

Karan: Mo-Monami, kahan hai woh? Theek toh hai na Monami??? he asked and the fear in his heart was clearly visible in his eyes. 

Faizi poured Karan a glass of water from the jug that was placed on the side-table, "Shaant hojao Karan, woh dusre room mein hai....Doctor Aneesh aur Sid hai usske paas"

Karan gritted his teeth at the mere mention of Aneesh, he was massively responsible for the condition Monami was in, hearing Sid's name satisfied him a little but still not enough. "M-Mujhe milna hai Monami se, khidhar hai woh?" he asked Faizi as he pulled the blanket off of himself and slipped on his shoes. 

Faizi knew Karan's restlessness would only increase until he saw his Rani Sahiba was doing okay with his own eyes- So instead of stopping Karan and asking him to rest like the doctor had advised, Faizi lent him a hand and took him to Monami's room. 

The door to the room was open, it was awfully quiet in the academy as it was almost midnight. Faizi left Karan at the door and left from there, knowing Karan needed a moment alone with Monami and Siddarth would handle Aneesh as well. 

Karan stood by the door for a few seconds, observing everything- Monami lay on the bed, a drip attached to her hand while she had several burns on her arm and neck- Sid sat beside her and Aneesh aided her wounds. Karan knocked on the door and Sid turned his head towards him. 

Sid: Oh hi Karan bro, come in! he smiled and Karan walked inside the room. "how're you feeling now?" asked Sid. 

Karan: Fine but how's Monami?

Sid: She's better, come have a seat- he stood up and motioned Karan to sit beside Monu while Aneesh tried hard to go unnoticed by Karan. He feared that if Karan confronted him in front of Siddarth and Monami, he'd loose his chance before even trying. 

Karan took a seat on the chair next to the bed, he held her hand in his and tried to shake off the image, which was meddling behind his thoughts. He'd almost lost his dhadkan to the fire, all because of the carelessness shown by Aneesh, he could've lost her! Forever!

Sid sensed that Karan wanted to be alone with Monami so he said, "Doc, let's go to Batra sir's office, I forgot to inform you earlier but he wanted to have a word with you."

Right now Aneesh didn't care if Monami and Karan were together, he just needed to get out of there so he agreed and without meeting Karan's fiery gaze he sped out of there. Sid patted Karan's back, "I'll be back in a minute bro" he said and exited the room as well, closing the door behind him.

Karan held Monu's hand to his heart and closed his eyes, he was exhausted and frustrated. He felt like beating someone up, specifically Aneesh. If he hadn't pressured an already feverish Monu to accompany him to lunch she wouldn't have gone there and gotten stuck in the fire. 

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