Twenty Nine: Career Ending Injury

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"I will." I agreed. "See you later."

And with that, I headed out. I'd texted Diane to fill her in and she was on her way to pick me up so we could go to the hospital with Tyler and Marcel. She soon arrived, and we were all on our way to the hospital.

The car ride was eerily quiet; I spent the time crying silently as Marcel tried to console me, saying that he'd researched back breaks and sometimes they can take as soon as six weeks to recover.

Once we arrived at the hospital, Diane instructed Tyler, Marcel and I to head inside and get an update whilst she parked the car. We frantically approached the front desk and were greeted by a blonde lady with a ponytail.

"Hi, we're looking for Trent Alexander-Arnold." I said in a low voice, not wanting to draw any attention.

"Are you family?" The receptionist asked.

"We're his brothers and she's his girlfriend." Tyler explained.

"Do you guys have any ID?" The receptionist asked.

I wasn't sure how they were going to use my ID to prove I was Trent's girlfriend, but I pulled out my ID anyway. The receptionist inspected Tyler and Marcel's IDs.

"And she's with you?" The receptionist asked the boys, who nodded in response.

"He's being seen at the moment, so you guys can sit in the waiting room for now. I'll make sure a doctor comes in and provides any updates." The receptionist told us.

"Amazing, thank you." I said.

The three of us took a seat. Diane joined us a few moments later, and then it was time to play the waiting game. Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days waiting for an update. We waited an hour and a half, and I was starting to worry myself sick. My phone started ringing and I noticed I was receiving a call from Robbo.

"Sorry, I promised I'd update them." I mumbled, before stepping out into the hallway to answer the phone.

"(Y/N)!" Robbo cried, the second the phone was pressed to my ear. "Is Trent–"

"I don't know. He's being seen. He's been in there ages, we've been waiting over an hour." I explained.

"Shit." Robbo cursed.

"I'm so scared." I admitted, my eyes filling with tears. I heard Robbo shout for Hendo.

"Listen, let's not jump to any conclusions until we've heard from a doctor what's going on." Robbo said rationally. "Maybe there was a long line for an X-ray."

"You called me over." I heard Hendo say to Robbo. Robbo explained the update on Trent to Hendo.

"Listen (Y/N), don't panic yourself yet okay? He might be fine." Hendo told me.

"He's not, I can feel it. I saw Mo's face, he was horrified." In response to what I'd said, I heard Hendo call Mo over.

"Hello?" I heard Mo's voice on the other end of the line.

"Mo. You um...when looked horrified. What did you see?" I asked cautiously.

"He landed awkwardly and there was a snap." Mo said. I felt even more sick.

"Then he cried out in pain and couldn't move. I knew something was wrong. He went completely pale. I thought maybe he went into shock or something." Mo continued.

"Oh my god." I mumbled.

"How is he?" Mo asked.

"We don't know yet." I replied. "I'll let you all know as soon as we do."

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