Eighteen: Being Alone

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Trent and I had only been together for two months, but things were going smoothly so I took the decision to move down to Liverpool. It's not that long distance wasn't working, more that we just wanted to spend more time together in person. Him and his family were letting me stay with them, and we all got on nicely together.

Today would be my first time going to a Liverpool game at Anfield, and I was so excited to finally get to go to Liverpool's home stadium. Trent had sorted me with a ticket in the player's lounge. His family couldn't make it to this game due to various other commitments so I would be going alone, but I simply couldn't wait any longer to watch my boyfriend play in person.

I sat on my own in the lounge – none of the other families knew who I was, especially due to the absence of any of Trent's other family. I was sat on my own during the game too, since I was on the end of an aisle and had no one in the seat next to me.

I suddenly realised that apart from Trent and his family, I didn't know anyone in Liverpool. Maybe moving here wasn't such a good idea after all. I had no one – Trent spent all day training, his older brother Tyler worked full time as did his mum Diane, and Trent's younger brother Marcel was in college all day. I went to uni, but by the time I transferred to uni in Liverpool everybody had already met and made friends so I was an outcast there too.

"What's up?" Trent asked me later that evening once we were back from Anfield. Liverpool had drawn 2-2 against Brighton.

"Nothing." I lied...badly.

"Now be honest." Trent teased, taking my hand.

"I don't know anyone outside you and your family. You guys are amazing, but I was lonely at the game today, and I'm lonely at uni too coz everyone already made friends before I joined." I explained. Trent caressed the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I hate hearing that – I'm sorry, I should've made sure to get one or two of the lads to introduce their partners to you." Trent said.

"It's not your fault. I probably could've spoken to them but I was nervous. I feel like they all thought I was some random lost person who made her way in uninvited." I said.

"I'm sure no one thought that." Trent chuckled. "Listen, come with me to training tomorrow and I'll introduce you to the lads. They're dying to meet you to be honest, to finally put a face to the name I'm constantly mentioning." Trent blushed. I smiled.

"Yeah, it would be good to meet your teammates." I agreed.

"As for uni, I'm sure you'll make some friends soon. You've only been there a week, I'm sure you'll open up eventually, or people will come chat to you." Trent reassured me.

"We'll see." I said.

"But if not, you know you can always come to me right? I don't want you to be feeling lonely." Trent told me.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Of course." The two of us shared a quick kiss.


The next day rolled around, and I was nervous about meeting Trent's teammates. I know I'll be star struck by Hendo – he's my favourite player behind Trent.

"You excited?" Trent asked me as we got in the car.

"Nervous." I responded.

"Aw. Don't be – they're all really excited to meet you. And they're all dead nice as well – but don't tell them I said that." Trent reassured me.

We took the drive to the AXA training ground, and before long we were parking up. I felt butterflies enter my stomach as Trent turned the engine off. I breathed an anxious sigh.

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