Five: Break Up

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"Oh finally!" I sighed sarcastically as Trent walked through the door.

The football season ended a couple of weeks ago and Trent's been out almost every night since, until all hours of the morning. I appreciate that he hasn't been able to do much of that for nine months, but it feels like the second he can leave the house and go anywhere that isn't with me, he jumps at the chance.

"How come you're still up, it's one in the morning?" Trent frowned.

"How come you've only just come back?" I sassed.

"Coz I was out." Trent shrugged. "You coming to bed?"

"I think I'll stay here." I said crossing my arms.

"What's the matter with you?" Trent asked.

"What do you think's the matter?" I snapped.

"(Y/N) you know I haven't been able to enjoy myself like this for almost a year." Trent pointed out.

"I don't mind you going out Trent but it's every night at the moment. It's almost as if you don't want to spend time with me." I argued. Trent rolled his eyes.

"Now you're just being ridiculous." He scoffed.

"No I'm not! When's the last time you and I did something nice together?" I questioned.

"Last day of the season we went out for a meal." Trent answered.

"That was two weeks ago! It feels like I've hardly seen you since." I said.

"We live together, what are you on about?" Trent said, raising his voice.

"Just go to bed." I told Trent.

"No, I'm staying here until you tell me what's going on." Trent said decisively, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"I'm not in the mood right now Trent." I sighed.

"What, so you're gonna yell at me for apparently hardly spending any time with you but when I try and talk to you about it you brush me aside?" Trent said.

"I'm not brushing you aside, I do wanna talk about it but I'm tired now, since I waited up til one in the morning to make sure you got home." I explained.

"You're unbelievable." Trent muttered, before storming down the hallway and entering the bedroom. I followed.

"Thought you weren't coming?" Trent said spitefully.

"Changed my mind, we can talk now." I said, taking a seat on the bed.

"You're overreacting about this whole thing, it's like you don't trust me!" Trent exclaimed.

"Of course I trust you! Should I not trust you?" I asked.

"Don't be stupid, of course you can trust me!" Trent cried.

"Well how do I know what you're getting up to?" I pointed out.

"Shut up!" Trent yelled.

"Relax, I know you've only been out with your teammates, your brothers or your school friends!" I said.

"Good." Trent mumbled.

"Maybe we can do something tomorrow to make up for lost time?" I suggested.

"Can't, I'm out with Ox, Gini and Virg tomorrow." Trent told me.

"Of course you are." I sighed sadly.

"I can't help it that I already have plans!" Trent shouted.

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