Nineteen: Car Broke Down In A Dark Forest

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It was supposed to be a nice little weekend away camping just outside the city after the Premier League season ended. However, it hadn't quite gone to plan.

It hadn't rained for ten days, but the second Trent and I stepped out the car that Friday afternoon, the heavens opened. We got drenched setting up the tent and unloading the car, and it was virtually impossible to warm up so we ended up sat in the car for an hour with the heating blasting.

Saturday had been fun to begin with – it hadn't rained that day and Trent and I had played a bit of football, but that came to an end when I slipped in the mud and twisted my ankle. And things got worse when I progressively came down with an awful cold throughout the day on Sunday – sneezing, coughing sniffling – the works. I probably got it from getting drenched on Friday.

So Trent and I decided to head home a day was raining again and I was hurt and sick, so there was little point in staying really. Trent was insisting on packing up the car whilst I sat with the heating blasting to keep me warm.

"Wanna keep the blanket with you in the front?" Trent asked me.

"Mm." I nodded. Trent climbed in the driver's seat and handed me the blanket.

"Do you want me to pull up Google Maps to get us to the main road?" I asked.

"Nah don't worry, I know where I'm going." Trent said confidently. He started up the car and before long he was driving us through the forest.

"I'm sorry this weekend's been so shit." Trent sighed, running a hand over my knee.

"Not your fault." I shrugged. "It's mine really."

"You can't help getting sick or injured (Y/N)." Trent told me, switching on some music.

We'd been doing some carpool karaoke on the drive there so the volume was loud, causing me to wince in pain as my head was throbbing.

"Crap, sorry." Trent mumbled, turning the volume down to a lower, more bearable level.

I rested my head on the window, peering outside and noticing it was beginning to get dark. Trent gently rubbed my thigh and I shut my eyes, hoping to get some sleep. But Trent doesn't exactly drive slowly, and the forest we were on our way out of was pretty bumpy.

"Shouldn't we be on the main road by now?" I asked a short while later.

"Nah, course not." Trent replied.

"I thought it only took us twenty minutes to get to the campsite but we've been driving for almost forty five." I pointed out. Trent looked at the clock on the radio.

"Um..." He trailed off.

"Should I pull up Google Maps?" I questioned.

"I told you before, I know where I'm going." Trent responded.

"You sure?" I teased.

"Oi, I thought you were meant to be ill!" Trent joked.

"Doesn't mean I can't tease you." I smirked.

"Right, you'd better bring up Google Maps." Trent gave in.

"I'm sorry, did you just admit you were wrong?" I giggled.

"Yeah, yeah, just bring up the directions!" Trent exclaimed, a faint smile crossing his face.

I pulled out my phone and typed in the directions to the main road on google maps.

"Uh, Trent...I think you made a wrong turn. Or maybe, numeral wrong turns." I told Trent in concern.

"Nah, not possible." Trent frowned.

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