Two: Argument

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Liverpool had been playing against Manchester City at the Etihad, and now the game had finished I was making my way home to mine and Trent's shared apartment. Liverpool had succumbed to a 2-0 defeat, and I knew Trent wouldn't be happy, as the first goal had arguably been his fault. I was the first back of the two us, however Trent arrived home not long later.

"Hi babe." I smiled as he entered the living room.

"Hey." Trent grumbled. Yep – he's in a shit mood.

"How you doing?" I asked cautiously.

"Is that even a question?" Trent scoffed.

"Sorry." I said quietly.

Trent flopped down next to me on the couch and buried his head in his hands.

"I've fucked it, haven't I?" He asked.

"Don't be silly." I said, rubbing his arm. "I thought you were one of our best players tonight."

"Don't lie." Trent snapped.

"I wasn't." I said.

"(Y/N), I fucked up and they scored, how is that being one of our best players?" Trent pointed out.

"Milly over hit the pass to you, it wasn't your fault." I tried to reassure him.

"Milly didn't over hit anything, I miss-controlled the pass." Trent argued.

"The rest of your performance was great though." I said.

"(Y/N), I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but I really need to be alone right now." Trent told me.

My heart sunk – I hate that he doesn't want to get everything off his chest to me.

"I understand." I told Trent, and so made my way to the kitchen to prepare some toast for a snack. I made some for Trent too, assuming he'd be hungry.

"I made you some toast." I smiled, handing Trent the plate.

"I don't want toast." Trent snapped. Harsh.

"Do you want anything?" I asked.

"Yeah. I want you to leave me alone!" Trent said, raising his voice slightly.

Trent and I have had our differences before, but this time he seems genuinely angry with me. I was only trying to help.

"Fine." I said shakily, feeling my eyes fill with tears as I grabbed my car keys from the counter and stormed outside.

I sat in my car and cried to myself, not actually intending on going anywhere; I just needed some headspace, some time to think and cool off. Trent could do with that too, hence why I left the house completely. Only ten minutes later though, I heard a knock on my window, and looked out to see Trent – has he been crying too? I wound the window down to speak to Trent.

"I'm sorry." Trent said straight away. I wiped my eyes.

"Me too." I said. Trent frowned.

"What are you sorry for? You were just trying to make me feel better." Trent said.

"I never meant to upset you." I told Trent.

"I know. I'm such a sore loser!" Trent exclaimed.

"Not wrong." I teased. Trent smiled at me.

"Trent, you're gonna make mistakes from time to time. It's what happens, it's football, you can't be amazing in every game. But I just know next week you're gonna go out there, smash it and prove everyone wrong." I said, leaning out the window and taking Trent's hand.

"Thanks. For always being there for me and having such faith in me." Trent smiled. I got out the car and Trent instantly wrapped me in a hug, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm so sorry I upset you – I was way out of order." Trent apologised.

"You were a bit to be fair!" I joked, laughing slightly.

"Especially since I ended up eating the toast you made me." Trent said.

"You told me you didn't want any toast!" I exclaimed jokingly.

"I know, but it was just on the table so I ate it whilst thinking about how much I fucked things up. In the game and with you. I didn't mean what I said – as soon as I said it I knew I didn't mean it." Trent said.

"We all say things we don't mean." I pointed out.

"So you forgive me?" Trent asked. I smiled up at him, before leaning up to kiss him.

"How could I not?"


This one is also pretty short, but they start getting a bit longer soon. When I first started writing these I wanted every chapter to be under 1,000 words, but eventually I gave up with that so they get longer from about chapter 7 onwards.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I intend to post the next one tomorrow, so I'll be back then :)

El x

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