🐣 Epilogue 🐣

Depuis le début

"Hi baby, did you have a good nap?"I asked him.

He nodded and laid his head on my shoulder sucking on his thumb. I was still trying to get him to stop that habit but it was still a work in progress. Our little interaction had gotten the attention of the other three and when I looked up they were all seated up on the bed staring at us. James smiled at me, that secret smile that was only reserved for me. I smiled back and winked at him. Ten years of marriage later and my husband was still the hottest man alive to me. He was also the best dad to our three kids, especially the girls which made him even more attractive in my eyes. Just like James had been a mommy's boy, Noah was too. I loved all my kids but Noah was my baby just like I was his whole world.

"Time to go girls. We have guests to entertain."James declared getting off the bed.

Della held out her hands wanting to be carried, so James did exactly that and picked her up.

"Mama, I'm hungry."April said walking up to me.

"Aunt Ruth is in the kitchen, go ask her for something to eat."I answered fixing the collar of her dress.

"I'm hungry too."Della whined struggling to get off James arms.

He set her down carefully before she hurt herself. I had to put Noah down too because the other thing Noah loved more than me was food. The boy could eat, just like his mom.

"April wait for your siblings."I yelled after her.

Like the good big sister that she was she waited for them, took their hands and led them away towards the kitchen.

"I want another one."James declared taking me by surprise.

"Another what?"I asked playing dumb.

James wrapped his hands around me, hugging my back to his chest and splayed his hands over my flat stomach. I worked extremely hard to lose all the weight I gained after each pregnancy. I always wanted to be in shape, for myself, my husband and my kids.

"Another baby."James whispered kissing my neck.

He was trying to seduce me but his charms wouldn't work. Okay maybe just a little bit.

"We agreed to stop at three."I reminded James.

"I know but they are growing up so fast and I miss all the baby smells and the tiny clothes and shoes."James commented.

"What about the poop, the unending vomit, sleepless nights and the constant worry."I asked him.

My pregnancies had been fairly easy but when the kids were toddlers they had been a nightmare. Crying all night, always hungry and literally all over the place. I didn't miss that phase at all.

"You're right, let's stick to the three."James relented remembering what we'd gone through.

The good thing is that we had each other through it all and a wonderful support system from our friends and family.

"Perfect decision but we're still young so if you still want a kid we can try again in the next few years."I suggested to James.

"As long as you're okay with it babe, I'm with you all the way."James said making me smile.

Yes, I definitely win the trophy for best husband.

Our intimate moment was interrupted by the fast approaching sound of helicopter blades. It was about time they started arriving.

"Time to play host."I sighed but made no move to get out of James' embrace.

"I'm here."James whispered comfortingly kissing my temple.

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant