She shook her head, "No. I'm fine, just a little tired." She yawned covering her mouth with her hand, "Actually, I couldn't sleep last night." 

Latoya raised her eyebrow, "Kalvin ? "

"I'm worried about him. His behavior is so weird since he found out. He's always in deep thoughts and when he's with us, well…he's not really with us. It's only physically, but his mind is always somewhere else. I thought about suggesting him to go and see a therapist like Acacia, but I don't think he will agree to do this." 

Sancy shrugged sipping her lemonade, "And how can you be so sure about this ? Maybe he will do it." 

"Maybe, but I don't him see doing it, even if he really does need it. Or maybe I just should give him time to calm down and then everything will be like…before. Well, almost. He's so mad at his mother." 

"I think he should forgive her." Latoya said honestly, "Seriously, it's not like she asked their crazy asses to rape her daughter. If she could really help, I think she would've done this. You just don't let your kid get hurt like that. She was another victim." 

"I think they should forgive her too, to be honest with you. She went through so much." 

And then Kalia arrived with a little smile of her face. It was great to see her being a bit happy, but you could see so much sadness, pain and anger in her eyes. It wasn't genuine happiness right here actually. These past days were tough for her, "Hey girls ! How are y'all doing today ? "

"Hey ! We're fine." They answered in unison.

"And what about you ? " Halley asked her. 

"I'm…Uh…okay, I guess. Anyways, what were y'all talking about before I came ? "

"Uh…about our family situation." Sancy said sympathetically looking at her, "Y'all should forgive your mother. She tried her best for you three to be happy and have the better life you could have, even if it was ruining her own life." 

Kalia sat down next to Cora and nodded her head, "I know. I thought hard and long about this and talked with Louis also." She paused trying to not cry, "Our father is not here anymore to be blamed, so we rejected all of our anger on her…and she took it. As usual, she put herself and her own feelings behind." She sighed sadly, "We're the worst children ever." 

Cora took her hand, "No ! I think…I would've reacted the same maybe. And…seriously, all of this is your father's fault. He jeopardized the family since the beginning." 





(5:36 p.m)

"Do you think she'll talk to us ? " Kaldrick asked worried. 

His little siblings shrugged not knowing what to tell him, but they were praying for her to forgive them and the horrible way they reacted to the situation. They were out of line. Completely out of line. 

The three took a deep breath and Kalia rang the doorbell. They waited for a couple of minutes and nobody came to answer. They rang again hoping she was going to open the door. They waited and still nothing. They tried a third time and they got the same result. They didn't know what to do. 

"Maybe…she's out."

"No, her car is here, fool." Kalvin pointed her black Mercedes in the drive way. 

And suddenly each one of them started panicking, but they showed nothing on the outside. Crazy scenarios were running in their minds and they were scared that one of them might be real. It would be devastating. 

"Mama ! " Kaldrick yelled calling her, "Mama ! Mama, c'mon ! It's us ! We came to apologize ! We're so sorry, okay ! Mama, please ! " His hear beat and breath were going faster than they should and it was the same for his little brother and sister. 

There was a dead silence now. Even the nature was quiet. It was so strange and it was mainly frightening them. 

"Oh God ! Please, Lord, let her be safe. We should call her maybe." Kalvin suggested about to lose his mind. 

"Yes, good idea." Kal agreed and pulled his phone out and at the same time the front door slowly opened to reveal their mother. She still looked like a diva with her fancy clothes, jewelries, hair cut and makeup, but her eyes were so swollen and red.

"What do y'all want ? " She asked with a little raspy voice and she then stopped moving. They could only see half of her. 

"Uh…mama, we love you so much and we're so sorry for the way we treated you. It's not your fault what happened. You had always been a good mother to us and we didn't show you our appreciation enough. We took you for granted, what we should've not done. You're the queen of her heart and we would like to know if you want to work on our relationship, I mean on our family. We have an appointment with a therapist in thirty minutes. Do you want to come with us ? " Kalia spoke for the three of them. There was another dead silence before Donya answered to them.

"Yes, let's rebuild the foundations of this family." 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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•A/N: Even if the Ryans are arguing since the beginning of this book, these four persons love each other to death and of course the kids were not going to really cut their mother out of their lives. Even she's not easy with her strong personality, Donya had always been a good mother to them.

So, what are your thoughts about this chapter ?
What would've you done if you were Kaldrick or Kalia or Kalvin ?

I can't believe this story is almost…*start crying*…over 😩 seven chapters left plus the epilogue.

Thanks for reading guys ! 💋💋💋

And sorry for the mistakes. 

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