Ch64: Only Somtimes

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"Thank you," I whispered, about to return home, satisfied with God's response - or rather, lack of response.


I made eye contact with him. Felix was striding below on the walkway. He wore a black jacket, and a blue scarf. Wait a second - I had made him a blue scarf in the previous world. That was not the one I made. Unless, he went out and bought himself one that looked just like it. Should I be creeped out or flattered?

There was a certain tension in the frigid air - almost like a strange sort of electricity that was only magnified by the cold. His blonde hair was ruffled from the wind - and also wet from the snow. He didn't have an umbrella.

I wanted to run! To hide! No! I didn't want to do it! But I promised myself I would.

The slightest nod was enough of a welcome for Felix to join me on the bridge. His presence brought with it a certain warmth. I could feel myself standing under his frame. I raised my umbrella, and gave a nod that asked a question. He rejected my offer without saying a single word.

Did he hate me that much now? Just because I told him I hated him last week? Did he despise me so much that he'd rather freeze in the cold instead of being close to me under an umbrella? Oh well. It couldn't be helped. And it didn't matter anyway. How could I consider it a loss, when I didn't even remember the feeling of love I'd be losing?

"It's broken," I whispered.

He nodded.

"It is," he said. His voice sounded raspy. Perhaps he was coming down with a cold.

"Now you can't spy on me in my own brain," I said, my fingers tightening on the umbrella.

He didn't say a word. He knew he was guilty and took advantage of that bond.

"I've resigned my position at Agreste Inc.," I said.

There was a tense pause. For a moment, I wondered if he was going to unclench his jaw and respond. Unless, he was trying to swallow angry words.

"I know," He finally said, with a large huff. His breath puffed like a cloud of cigarette smoke.

"I just feel like I need ...," I paused, unsure of what I was trying to say, "to be away. To think clearly."

He met me with a sad gaze.

"I mean, I lived and died. I died. I remember it. I remember that I was pulled from my body. And it wasn't dark. It was ...I was going somewhere, and then it stopped. Then I ...I guess my life started again," I said, "And I saw the answer. I know. And I know you know."

Felix's lips parted, and I saw the slightest glimmer of hope in those jade eyes. He knew I could free him from the Eel. He also knew that it was my decision to make. And only mine. After all, I was the guardian and the fate of the Miraculous rest in my hands. 

"This is our final bond. Once I release this, I will have no ties to you," I said.

"Do what you will," he muttered.

"I will," I said, slowly reaching out my hands towards his. I removed his gloves and rest them on the bridge's stone railing. His hands were ice. For a moment, I allowed my fingers to trail over his palms, and with it memories followed.

My Boss is Felix: Alternative Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now