Diner date

427 10 5

Time Jump

Johnny and I have been together for another 7 months since the break up. We have moved in to the new place. Johnny still jumps between Chicago and California. Although he spends more time here in Chicago now.

My parents are happy and supportive of me and Johnny. Robby is still struggling but at least he stopped making my life hell.

Johnny takes me out on amazing dates all the time. We have crossed the relationship threshold and are now into the couples phase, which is that even when we do boring, mundane stuff we enjoy it cause we are together.

Johnny and I haven't discussed or even mentioned about having children or getting married, It's just out there that we might some day, or maybe we both aren't ready yet for any of those.

Johnny is flying back to Chicago today.

"Hey beautiful" Johnny say while pulling me into a hug and kissing me

"Hey handsome" i say kissing him back.

"How come you never pick me up with a signboard? Like I did??" He asked

"I'll get one next time that says welcome back from prison daddy"  I smirked

"Aren't you adorable" he says sarcastically

We got seated in the car and I'm driving him to our apartment.

" you wanna grab something to eat before heading home?" Johnny asks

"Sure. Any cravings?" I ask

"Let's go to the diner? You think they'll be open now?" Johnny asks

"At 6 in the evening? I'm sure they are" i say rolling my eyes

He laughed

"What's up with you? You seem jittery" I asked Johnny keeping one hand on his thigh

"A. I'm 100% ALL MAN. Don't do this chick shit with me." He said removing my hand.

"Rude" i said keeping it back and caressing his jeans zipper to tease him

"Don't Y/N" he said and shivered

"B. Nothing's wrong, lets just go to the diner" johnny said

"I won't remove my hand unless you tell me what's up? And will continue to move it a little closer" i said laughing

"What's gotten into you?" He said a little angrily

"Nothing I missed you and missed teasing you. It's really lonely without you in that huge ass house" i said

"What about ghosts? Do they not keep you company? I specifically asked them to" he said

"Haha. You have successfully changed the topic. Now tell me what's up mr. Jitters?" I asked

"Nothing... just tired" he said

I turned my head to look at him. He had that weird look in his eyes, like the time Miguel had proposed to Sam.

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