Moving On

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Last night after seeing Johnny with Stacy, I decided to get my life together. If he can move on, so can I. I called up Zoey and told her I was ready to work regularly, I decided to quit slouching, I even made plans to go out with Harry and Jane.

Johnny tried to get in touch. He left messages.

Message 1: "Hey. Can we talk?"
Message 2: "This is important"

I avoided both, I didn't want to hear any excuse or explanation on why he was seeing other people already. I felt like I didn't know him anymore.

It's been three days since I saw Johnny. I am feeling better in some way and worst in the other. Better because I leave the apartment willingly now, worse because I still can't believe Johnny had moved on already. I felt like I lived a lie with him, but I didn't want to believe any of it. I even thought of calling him and giving him a chance to explain, but then I thought what will be the point of this? Johnny and I won't get together. And I'm certainly not comfortable to be friends with him already.

I was looking for something in my closet when I found the gifts I got for Johnny for Christmas but never got around to giving it.

I thought of the time I went to buy gifts for him, I was so excited about every single present. Everything was just perfect.

Infact our entire relationship was perfect. He would come Chicago after a few weeks and we would have the greatest time. He was always thoughtful and supportive and the cutest boyfriend. I remembered our first date. I remembered how he brought me flowers whenever we went out. How he sent me cute selfies of his with dad jokes. I remembered how he sneaked in to parent's house to meet me. I remembered sleeping in his arms.

It all felt like yesterday but also like it happened years ago. I felt very far away from Johnny. Suddenly I was missing him. I wanted to call him. Talk to him. Listen to his voice. See his photos. Sleep into his arms. How I always left safe and shielded from everything. I started to cry.

I was back to the day when we first broke up. Even after a month of trying to move on, I had failed. I hadn't gotten over Johnny even by a percent and there he was already seeing other woman. I mad and angry and sad.

I didn't know what to do.

I called Harry.

"Harry?" I said in a sad voice

"What happened? Are you alright?" He asked

"No. I miss Johnny. I don't know how to live without him. It's just impossible. The time I had with him were the best and I can't get over him or those moments. And he's out there dating other people. Harry. I don't understand what to do" i cried

"Y/N. Jane and I are coming over." He said

"No. Don't. I want to be alone." I said

"Let us come over. You'll feel better to have people around you." He said

"Yeah but you guys will leave at some point. And I'll be alone again" I said

"Y/N. Are you sure? We can be over in less than an hour." He said

"Yes. Yes. Don't worry. I'll be fine. Just had a moment of weakness." I said.

We talked for a while before hanging up. He tried to cheer me up.

I went to bed and tried to sleep. But I kept thinking of all the good times I had with Johnny. I suddenly remembered that I had his cologne and the orange dinosaur from golf and stuff.

I spray some cologne on me and hugged the dinosaur to sleep.

I didn't sleep as peacefully as I used to with Johnny but it felt nice, I felt close to him again.

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