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Margaret POV

I walked down the hallway of the hospital as I heard someone calling me. It's Sebastian and I can see him striding towards my direction. He is also one of the doctors here.

Actually, I remember that we were hired at the same time. He is very charismatic and handsome. Please don't tell Matthew about it. Or else he will never let me stay put in the hospital.

I can still remember our conversation yesterday about my work.

"You can't work now. You are pregnant!" He said while he spoon fed me on his body.

"Mathew I am only pregnant for about one month. It's still ok to work you know!" I reasoned out.

"No! You can't work! You need to take a rest!"

"You know what my first pregnancy was like. I have been working so hard but still I gave birth normally to Sofia. So don't worry!" I assured him.

"Babe, it's different now!'

"How is it different?"

"Look, you have me now. I can provide you everything and anything you need. I can't even spend my whole paycheck, you know. Let alone my money came from my business!"

"The point is it's your money. I need to work hard for myself!" I said to him,

"What the hell are you talking about? My money is your money too. Whatever I have is yours too. You're my wife, you can take everything I have as long as you don't leave me anymore!" He said as he dipped his head to my neck and smelled me, making me conscious.

"Stop smelling me!" I said as I tried to push his head away from my neck. But he hold my hand and put a lingery kisses there.

"I love your smell babe. Plus I want to do more than smelling you but I know you are still sore. So yeah just let me smell you!" He said and ducked his head again and I could feel my skin goosebumps as he put small kisses there.

"Fuck I just love you so much!" While squeezing me both arms like he doesn't want to let go.

"Stop it! You're crushing me!" I whined but truthfully I am touched. I never imagined this guy could be so gullible.

"Sorry! It's just I don't want to be away from you. So please stop working babe! I really need you!" He said and I shook.

"No, I will take a leave when I am six months pregnant!"

"No way babe! You are going to resign at this moment!" He said

"Why are you eager to make me stop working? You know I can take care of myself perfectly right?"

"Babe, your first pregnancy I am not there. So now your second one I want to be always with you. Like every hour, minutes and seconds. I just feel the need to be there for you. I promise myself to do my responsibility as a father and husband this time. So please let me take cafe of you and our soon to be baby!" He said and I shook my head.

"Fine, but let me finish this month then I will resign from my work!"

"Really?" He said while his shown gladness

"Hmmm… But if the baby is big enough I can go back to work again ok?" I said to him, making him groan.

"Babe as I said, what's the point of you wanting to work? So you can earn money? I told you I have enough for us. I can provide you. If you want we can have twenty kids and I can still afford it. You won't run out of my money I swear!" Speaking of him being rich.

"I know you are a rich idiot! But it feels different when you're earning ok? So please let me work again!"

"No! After you give birth we will have another baby so you will not work again!" He said and I looked at him in horror.

"You did not say that. Take it back!" I said

"No! I want more babies!" He then touched my stomach. "Hey baby, Mommy is so mean to Daddy!" He said and I want to kick this guy off.


"Hmmm?" I said as I closed my eyes.

"Sorry about what happened. You know about ghr pictures!" He said and I looked straight into his eyes.

"Do you and her have that sort of relationship?" I asked him.

"No! It's just a fling, nothing more!" He said to me,

"What's up with guys with fling? I mean, you shouldn't use girls like that if you don't want to commit to a relationship!" I told hkm.

"Babe, the first time we did I told her I don't do relationships. After our breakup I never had a serious relationship!".


"Because I don't feel the same way. Truthfully all I want is to see your face in them. So I don't want them to expect something from me!"

"You hated me? But can't forget me?!"

"Yeah, it feels like your haunting me. I don't know but I can't seem to let go even my brain tells me many times!" He said while giving a pick on my lips.

"Then you became the hottest tabloid for dating numerous models!" I said

"Nope! It's just a plain date, nothing more. Some women ask for a date just to give themselves a little buzz on the internet. You know!"

"Eww! But those pictures?"

"Hahahah… Some of it is true. But really I don't have any girlfriend ever since you! "

"Yeah.. to think you yelled at me when you first saw me again in the hospital!"

",Fuck! Sorry about that! I am such an Idiot!" He said and I laughed.

"Good you're admitting cause you are really an Idiot!" I said.

"Mom will be thrilled knowing you already said yes to marrying me" he said and I frown.

"I didn't say yes! You just put the ring on my finger like I have options anymore!" I said

"Told you , I don't give you options! You are just gy to say no! I want to be with you and our kids. In the future I want to see more of them. Like when I arrived I wanted your face to be the first one I see! Then my kids come jumping on me and when I play, I want you to scream my name!" He said and shakes

"No way I am screaming your name Rogers!"

"You will!"

"Ahuh? "

"You will be screaming my name by now!" He said and I giggled when he grabbed me then hovered on me.

"This it not what I mean you idiot;"


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