"New Goodbyes."

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"My mother was my pillar and my world. We didn't see eye to eye everyday and we hardly saw each other but i loved her. I remember when she used to wake me up everyday on my birthdays, jump in bed with me and tickle me until i almost peed my pants or when we both got ready in the mornings together..hyping each other along the way. I won't lie, i'm scared...scared of the fact that i'll never see her again, that i'll never hug her, hear her sweet voice or her mad voice, i won't get to smell that sweet perfume every time she comes from work or see that sweet smile whenever she was happy. I miss her, I...love her and my life is over without her." 

***Kira's POV***

So today is my birthday(25 May) and it's a Saturday in which my mother is being laid to rest. Honestly i don't know how to feel, I'm scared, sad,angry, everything all at once. I just don't understand it at all...Well today my house is packed with family, friends, colleagues and people i barely knew. Most of my family was there but i didn't like all of them except my aunt(mother's younger sister). Well she's the only fam i like, her name is Sam Nkosi cause she got married to the Nkosi Fam, and she's now our physics teacher. She's been nothing but the best. You know honestly i don't know what to say so bye!


***Two days Later***

Kira moved in with her Aunt and by Aunt i mean Sam. And she's taking a break from School so she's just home. Her and Alex have been talking and Alex is supposed to come and help with schoolwork. Oooooh this should be good.

Alex drove to Kira's old house cause that's where Kira asked to meet. She pulled up the driveway and made her way to the house. Since the door was open, Alex got in and made her way to the sitting room and saw Kira seated there watching Sponge Bob Square pants. "Hey, beautiful." Alex said as she stared at Kira. Kira stood and flashed the prettiest smile before responding "Hey you." She said as she kissed Alex's lips. "You look good, well despite the fact that...you know?" Alex said with her hand on her cheek. Kira looked down, bit her lower lip and looked up at Alex. "There's nothing i can do about it anymore hey, i mean even crying doesn't help so yeah and besides i had to look good for you." Kira asked as she blushed shyly. "Can you be my girlfriend?" Alex rushed out and asked. Kira's eyes widened and she stared at Alex who seemed as nervous. After a while Kira finally spoke up "Yes, i'd love to be your girlfriend." She said as she wrapped her arms around Alex's neck and squeezed her tightly. "Thank you, you just made me the happiest girl." Alex said as she kissed Kira. 

**Alex's POV**

So today i asked Kira to be my girlfriend. Why? Honestly i love her, well i never told her that but i love her, i want her to be mine forever and i can't explain it honestly but every time i see her my heart jumps, she is the breath of fresh air in a stuffy room, She's perfect in every way. And i'm glad she agreed. So today i can officially say i have a girlfriend, oh and she marked me well i'm now hers so i don't mind. After leaving Kira's house, Sam called me and asked me if i could come over, i said yes well only cause i wanted to tell her that we can't keep on doing this. I got to her house and she was home alone...obviously. I got in the house and she was crying, i walked closer to her to only find her eyes swollen shut. "What happened?" I freaked. "He came home drunk last night and accused me of cheating on him and he...he was really angry." Sam said as she started sobbing. I sat down next to Sam and brought her close for a hug and just held her tight. What the hell is happening in my life? I am banging my teacher, while i recently got a girlfriend that just lost her mom...like WTF ?I thought to myself.I sat there for a while with Sam in my arms. After  silence took over, Sam broke it by saying "Thank you for being here with me." I just nodded and smiled at  her. I gazed into her hazel eyes, well the other one was half shut but she still looked amazing, well not more than my girlfriend..oh it feels soo good to finally say that. She stared at me back and kissed me, i responded but quickly pulled away. "I...i can't do this anymore, us...or whatever this is." I said while i avoided looking at her. "Why?" She asked. "Umm..because...because you're my teacher, because..i...i." I stuttered. "Because what?" She asked as she fixed her gaze carefully on my eyes and lips. Fuck! I hated it when she did that. 

"Because I don't LOVE YOU!" I finally shouted. "I just want you, i crave for you and that's wrong, wrong to you and my girlfriend." "Girlfriend?" She asked. "Yes, i have a girlfriend." I said more like a whisper but my heart was surely screaming. "Alex, I'm not asking you to marry me i just want you make me feel seen, make me feel loved...I want you to fuck me Alex." Sam finally said. Oh my word, i'm sorry but i couldn't help myself, i fell into fucken temptations. I carried her all the way to her room while kissing and sucking on her body. I wanted her...shit that sounds wrong but i promise this was my last time having sex with her. "I was serious you know...about ending this." I said breathlessly. "Sad, i liked having you over." Sam said rather sarcastic. "Aunty?!!" A voice called. "You live with someone?" I asked. "Umm yeah, It's my sister's kid, this side Nana." Sam called. Little did i know that i'm doomed forever. Kira walked into the room, my face, my eyes, my stomach...my heart." What the hell is going on here?" She asked as her face turned red. "Umm i can explain." I said as i jumped out bed and stood there half naked. Kira just scoffed and said "No need, i saw everything i needed to see, you know you are the same as everyone else in my life...a liar and betrayer. I'm done with you...with the both for you." Kira sobbed as she ran out. I quickly got dressed and ran after her with Sam behind me. CRASH!

I didn't believe it, no no no...this couldn't be happening. She was lying there, with her whole body covered in blood. I went over to her body while Sam shouted at the driver, i didn't care. I took Kira's lifeless body in my arms. I immediately regretted everything...cheating on her, ignoring her, upsetting her, making her feel unwanted and unloved but i mostly regretted not telling her i loved her.

"I love you." I said as tears rushed down my face. 

Her Bad Habits!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora