"New Changes!"

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Dear Diary 

So, i got my first zit today, but not worried cause i know just the hack. Well my mom still works late but i got plans with Azania so it's fine. Azania told me about her crush#vomit.

"Bluh bluh, this is all from a year ago, lemme look more closer."  Alex thought herself as she carefully went through Kira's Journal as Kira snored peacefully besides her. She flipped more pages until she came to an entry from a week ago.

Dear Diary

Well everything seems to be falling apart. One; Azania doesn't want to talk to me again well because i had to let it slip that i have a crush on her, why? why? She's my fucken Best friend, why did i say that? Ahh! Well Alex seems to be getting more irritated at me but she still gives it to me good i won't lie and Jade...Jade is just a jerk now, so we had a fight and he slapped me across the face, i couldn't believe it. My face burned and hot tears rushed down my face, he just then left me. And the other day he came over and wanted to sleep with me but i didn't want to so he...ay it's fine.

Alex flipped drastically to the recent written page, feeling her face get hot due to the anger. She flipped until she got to the recent page.

Dear Diary 

Well today was fucked up, i mean i had an abortion, bunked school, found out that i was a side chick for like 3 or 4 months, and Alex...Alex doesn't pay much attention to me anymore, it sucks. 

Everything just hurts, i can't...my heart hurts so much. Honestly? I wanna die.

                                      "I'm Tired."

A phrase i use too much 

A feeling i feel too often

I can barely eat lunch 

And trust me i feel like an orphan

I've lost all hope

My mind has shut down

All i can do is sit and mope

slowly hoping i'll just drown

I don't wanna live no more

Can hardly take a breath 

Can't handle this pain no more

Can i just have my final rest?

Alex quickly shut the journal and placed it next to her, she slowly turned and looked over at Kira who seemed to have been starring at her for hours. "Umm, hey? You're awake?" Alex said trying not to look guilty. Kira got out of bed and walked over to the window. "You found what you were looking for? I mean in the journal?" Kira asked as she turned to glance at Alex. Alex lets out a sigh and stood up and started pacing, "Look i'm sorry okay, I'm sorry all this happened to you," she said as she walked towards Kira, "I'm sorry Jade was a dick, i'm sorry i allowed you to feel alone...umm I'm sorry Jade violated you." She continued as she felt tears in her eyes. "Well he wasn't the first." Kira said under her breath but Alex heard her. "What?" she asked raising her eyebrow and her voice. "Umm...no it's nothing, i- umm...thank you for saving me and staying the night but please leave now.."Kira stuttered as she handed Alex her stuff and pushed her out the door. 

***Alex's POV***

W-what the hell just happened? I thought to myself as i sat in the car aimlessly. No i didn't understand, so i started driving well not home but to the only place i ever feel peace...Tracey's grave. But today i had no words to say...tears, they spoke for me. I felt so tired, so confused. After what felt forever, i finally stood up and wiped my tears. "Time to man up" I whisper to myself as i stood up and started driving. Destination? Unknown.

I pulled in front of a building, school? Why am i at school? I look at the time, it was 15:45 pm. "It's probably empty." I thought to myself as i walk towards the building. I walk down the empty corridors, with my hands in my hoodie pockets. As i walk down the hall i notice that the lights were on in the science class...you know Miss Nkosi's class. I gently knocked on the door. "Come in." A voice said. I opened the door and quickly shut it as soon as i got in. "Alex, what are you doing here?" Miss Nkosi asked raising her eyebrow. "Umm...i also don't know..uh, w- i just don't know." I stuttered, and silently bit my lower lip. "Are you okay?" Miss Nkosi asked as she signaled for me to sit down. I sat down and silently fidgeted with my fingers, i felt uneasy and scared. "You know you can talk to me about anything right?" She asks as she gets closer to me. I nod in response. "Why weren't you at school today and i noticed that you left early yesterday." She asked curiously. "So you noticed that i wasn't around?" I asked, well it was supposed to be a whisper. Miss Nkosi chuckled, "Of course, you're one of my brightest and hottest students, so i'm bound to feel if you're not present." Oh my word, did she just call me hot? I'm definitely 'not' screaming in my head. I just smiled trying to hide the redness of my cheeks. She then moved closer to me.

Oh my..I then felt her lips on mine. I shivered, but decided to go with it, i then decided to be in charge. I pulled her closer to me, tightened my grip around her waist not breaking the kiss. But i was taken by a surprise when i felt my body being pushed and slammed against the wall. I eternally whined in pain but externally i was grunting in pleasure. Miss...Sam kissed me, from my lips to my neck., with my body against the wall, i was shocked and felt restricted cause i'm always in charge, i couldn't touch her why? Cause my fucken hands were pinned to the wall. She traced her hands all over my body. Biting and sucking on my neck, "Wait, is she marking me?" i questioned myself. 

"Sam?" A voice called from the other side of the door and gently followed by a knock. We both jumped and since my weight was legit blocking the door, the person couldn't get in. I quickly moved to one of the desks while Miss Nkosi went to open the door and a man stood there. "Just thought i should treat my wife to a treat since you're working late." This man said. 

Wife? She's married?!

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