"New Arguments!"

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"What are you doing here?" Alex asked as she sat on her bed, paying no attention to Kira. "Brought your bag." Kira said holding a black Nike school bag. "Oh you didn't have to, could have picked it up tomorrow but thanks." Alex said still paying no attention to her. Kira placed the bag on the floor and made her way to the window, when Alex called out to her. "Hey Kira?" 

"Yeah?" She turned with a broken smile on her face. "You could simply use the door." Alex gestured towards her bedroom door. "Oh." Kira responded as she made her way to the door and creaked it open, "Goodnight Lex." she said as she slammed the door shut behind her. Well wasn't that just awkward? Alex thought to herself as she lay on her bed and faced the dull ceiling, thinking about ways in which she could have handled the situation better. 

A week has gone by and it's finally holidays. Kira and Alex haven't spoken much because everyone has been consumed by the tasks and assignments given to them in the past week but since the holidays have began Alex now has time to check in on her friends, and yes including Kira. It's a Monday morning and the first of a new month. Alex woke up around 08:00 am, took a bath, got dressed in a hoodie and some slacks, cleaned her room and made her way downstairs. She found Selena in the kitchen preparing breakfast for her, she hasn't seen her parents in a month and she doesn't mind since they send her money frequently. "Morning Auntie, thanks for breakfast but i'm actually on my way out, tell Uncle...umm that i took the car." Alex said as she kissed Selena on the cheek and rushed out the door. Selena just smiled in response. Alex made her way to the garage and gazed upon a black jeep that parked in front of her, it belonged to her sister and knew she would have loved for her to have it. 

She opened the door and hoped in, her sister's scent still flooded the car and memories of them together flooded her mind, she shook the tears and the pain away and blasted J Cole as she drove off. First stop Kyle's house. She pulled up in a driveway and made her way to the door but before she could knock she was disturbed by a grey Mercedes that pulled up just behind her car. Kyle walked out, in a black short dress, heels and a long blonde wig. She waved the driver goodbye and made her way towards Alex who looked shocked and didn't believe that this was her best friend. "Who was that?Did you sleep with him?" Alex asked panicky. Kyle just scoffed in response and rolled her eyes. "Yes lex, yes i slept with him, for money? yes. Now excuse me my next client will be here soon." Kyle said as she pushed Alex out of the way. She couldn't believe this, what had happened to her best friend? Alex made her back to the car and started driving. Possible destination? Kira's house, well looked up her address but either way Alex drove there.

She knocked on the door, still surprised at the fact that she's never been here. "Come in." A voice answered from inside. Alex slowly creaked the door open and made her way to the living room where she heard music. "Hey beautiful." Alex said with a smirk on her face. "Oh heeeey." Kira jumped from the couch and glanced at Lex who chuckled nervously. "Relax, you'll hurt yourself, so you're good?" Alex said as she walked over and sat down, signaling for Kira to sit next to her.   "Yeahhhh, I'm good, are you good...i mean are we good?" Kira asked as she sat down nervously. Alex just chuckled and looked at Kira's brown eyes that seem to shine and glisten, she gently placed her hand on Kira's cheek and rubbed her gently with her thumb and pulled in to kiss her and pulled away and still fixed her gaze on Kira. "Does that answer your question?" Alex teased with a smirk on her face. Kira nodded shyly and grabbed Alex by the jaw and kissed her, deepening the kiss.

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