"New Addictions!"

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It's a school morning and Alex still can't get over what happened between her and Kira. She was battling with her thoughts when she received a text from Kylie saying: "Yo, dweeb don't forget my blue sports t-shirt, it's match today. Wanna be the greatest cheerleader there, lol ;)." Shucks, Alex completely forgot. Today their school is playing against Abbotts College . (soccer match). Alex hurried and got ready for school. David drove her to school and dropped her off by the soccer fields where Kylie came running to her. "Fashion emergency!" She said as she got to her friend. She was wearing a mini skirt, and a white tank top, her hair tied up and wore an over sized school jacket. "You look amazing as always." Alex said to her friend. "I know." She said as she flicked her hair in a cocky manner. "Argg, whatever." Alex said. "You look different today. You're glowing and you seem happier. Spill!" Kylie said looking at her friend. Alex hesitated as to whether she should tell her about Kira or not. She decided not. "Ahh, it's nothing." Alex lied. 

After a few minutes Kira arrived, looking hot as ever. She was wearing a denim short, a black cropped top that was a body fit but what was shocking was that she wore the opposite team's school jacket. Students and parents started flooding the place and everyone took their seats and waited for the teams to get to the field. Waterstone College High School  team got to the field and a few minutes after the Abbotts College came. The team captain of Waterstone College High Schoolwas Musa Nkosi and for the Abbotts College was Jade Dlamini. Before the game could even start, Alex saw Kira running to the field where she jumped on Jade and gave him the biggest hug. 

"What's going on there?" Alex asked Kylie who also looked as shocked as she was. As the couple shared the sweetest hug, Jade then kissed Kira and the crowd gasped and cheered along with Kylie. Alex then felt a sick feeling in her stomach, a sharp pain in her chest and felt her face get hot, like what was happening? "Umm, i need to use the bathroom" Alex lied to her friend as she stood up and made her way to the bathrooms, where she immediately fell on the floor and tears started flooding her face. She couldn't believe this, but who was she fooling? Of course a hot girl like Kira had to have a boyfriend. Alex took a few more minutes to collect herself then went out of the bathroom only to bump into Kira. "Oh hey." Kira greeted Alex with a smile on her face. 

Alex just nodded and carried on walking. "Hey,hey what's wrong?" Kira said grabbing Alex's arm. "what's wrong? So you clearly don't know? Why didn't you answer me when i asked if you have a boyfriend? Why did you even have sex with me?" Alex questioned as she felt tears burn from her eyes. "I like you Lex, i like you so much and i'm sorry." Kira quietly sobbed. Alex scoffed and said, "You know what? Forget it!" She walked away. She didn't feel like being at the match anymore so she called David to come pick her up. 

Within a few minutes David came to pick her up and as soon as she got to her house she ran up to her room and slammed the door behind her. She threw herself on the bed and shut her eyes as she experienced bad cases of deja vu. Alex was woken up by a knock on her bedroom door, it was around 22:00 pm. She groaned and mumbled as she rubbed her eyes and opened the door. To her surprise there stood Kira, "Arg, what do you want?" Alex asked as she went back to bed. Kira got in and shut the door behind her and followed Alex to the bed. "I don't wanna talk to you or let alone see you!" Alex stated turning her back against Kira. Kira gently took off her clothes and stood there completely naked. "You still don't wanna look at me?" Kira questioned as she touched Alex's shoulder to make her turn. Alex's eyes grew wider and her mouth flew open. "No no no no!" Alex closed her eyes. Kira came forward, closer and closer to Alex, cupping her face with both her hands and kissed her. Alex tried to fight it but she couldn't she knew what she felt for Kira was real, she was tempted and addicted.She knew this was wrong but it felt so right.   

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