"New Nightmares!"

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"Oh Alex, umm..uh ju- just take me already!" Miss Nkosi moaned. Just then Alex's alarm ringed causing her to fall on her face and grunted in pain, "Ouchhhh." She whined irritated, well more cause she had to wake up from her perfect dream. She quickly gathered her strength and stood up with her hand still on her painful forehead. She looked over to her phone which buzzed and vibrated and "Kira" popped up on the screen, Alex couldn't help but smile. She took her phone and cheerfully answered, "I see someone missed me last night." She said  with a smirk. "Haha, just calling to find out if you can give me a ride today, well to school?" Kira asked letting out a cold sigh at the end. "ah, what happened to your prince charming today? He ditched?" Alex asked rolling her eyes. "Umm..Jade is...will you give me a ride yes or no?" Kira asked a bit annoyed. "Fine i will, be ready by 07:00." Alex as she hanged up and went to get ready. 

She drowned herself in cologne well cause her first class was physics and she wanted to impress Miss Nkosi. At 06:30, she left the house and made her way to Kira's house, blasting Kendrick Lamar. The drive to Kira's house took approximately 25 minutes with 5 minutes to spare. At exactly 07:00 Kira bolted out of the door to the car. "Wassup Miss Coleman." Alex said as she shared a warm smile. "What is that smell?" Kira asked as she sniffed around and glanced at Alex curiously. "Umm it's nothing." Alex said as she chuckled nervously "you ready to go?" Alex continued. "Before we head to school, i need you to make a quick stop...please? Kira pleaded looking over at Alex. "Well as long as it doesn't make me late for Physics." Alex said as she started the car and drove them to Kira's unknown destination. "Thank you, you can drop me off here." Kira said as she took her bag and got out of the car. 

"Wait, you're not going to school?" Alex asked raising her brow. "Umm yeah, tell em i'm sick, bye." Kira said as she disappeared into some shady building. 


**Kira's POV**

(Trigger warning: Self Harm)

Well it's been a while since i updated y'all about my life okay well...today i am not going to school because i have an appointment well for an abortion....(sigh) Let's rewind a bit, so a couple of weeks ago schools were closed..right. So i been seeing Alex a lot and by seeing her i mean having sex with her but as soon as i finished, i would ditch her and call Jade and have sex with him, why? Cause it somehow eased my conscious, oh well a few days ago i found out i was pregnant and i freaked out and told Jade. I went over to his house and told him. Let's just recap how it happened. "Umm, we have to talk." I said nervously as i fidgeted with my skirt. "What?" Jade asked rather annoyed. Well another thing, Jade has changed, and by changed i mean he barely has time for me anymore, he is not the sweet and caring boyfriend anymore. He's only available when we have sex...actually no scratch that when he wants to fuck me. He seemed to have detached himself from me. "I...umm i'm pregnant." I said, trying to not sound scared, well but i was. Jade said nothing for sometime and just kept a blank expression. After what felt like eternity, Jade finally spoke up, "Yeah, that shit ain't mine and we both know that...so abort it or keep it, i don't really care but don't bother me again." Jade said opening the door and telling me to get out. Shit! Those words broke my heart like i didn't understand what i did wrong.

Two days ago, i booked an appointment well i was going to do it at the doctor but that requires parental consent and yeah i can't do that. So booked an appointment with this other guy who assured me that he's legit. Well today's the day and i'm scared asf. That procedure took approximately about 45 minutes and it was so painful but it had to be done. So took an uber home and relieved to find out that my mom is not home. I took some painkillers for the pain and lay on my bed scrolling through Instagram where i saw a post of Jade and Amanda, apparently they were celebrating 5 months of being together. What? How? Jade and I dated for like 2 months if not 3, how was it 5 months? Wasn't Amanda flirting with Alex not so long ago? I had a lot of questions, My heart...my heart ached, i couldn't believe it. I felt so hurt. Well i needed something to numb the pain but i was out of weed so i looked for my razor and with no hesitation i cut myself numerous times, not caring if i snapped a vein. 

Just needed something to numb the internal pain :(   

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