"New Attraction!"

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A few days have gone by or weeks, i don't know but what i do know is that schools are open and yeah. Kira and Alex are cool, well more than cool. Still fucking and Kira still withdraws every time and to be fair Alex hates all the mind games but the sex is good so...Kyle is still selling her body for money. Alex went over to her house and things are very bad. All their cars have been repossessed. Kyle's sister is also dating older people for money, it's bad. Alex offered to help but they turned her down and chased her away. 


Well it's the second term and since Kyle got kicked out, it's just Alex and Kira now. Alex's first class was Physics and her old teacher(Mr Ndlovu) resigned so they have a new teacher. "Morning Class, I am Miss Nkosi and i will be your new physics teacher." A woman said as she stood in front of tired and unbothered teenagers. Alex was distracted so she didn't pay attention to the teacher. "Do you think she's any good?" Ayanda asked(Alex's desk mate). Alex looked up and over at the teacher who was writing on the board. Her jaw dropped and left her mouth open. Miss Nkosi looked like she was in her early twenties, had braids tied up in a neat bun, she had on a black high waisted jean, a white slip on tank top and a black blazer. She was so pretty, with a curvy body. "Earth to Alex." Ayanda said, snapping her fingers. "Oh umm...what? yeah." Alex stuttered, coming back to reality. 

After an hour of drooling, it was finally break and Kira sat next to a distracted Alex. "You're good?" Kira asked as she looked over her friend who was playing with her food, instead of eating it. "Umm look i gotta go, had trouble with physics so i umm...i have to catch up." Alex said as she stood up abruptly and left. Kira sat there shocked as Alex never had a problem with Physics before, she's the best student in her class. Alex walked down the hall to her Physics class, she fidgeted and practiced her words. She gently knocked on the door and "come in" A voice answered. She took a deep breath and creaked the door open and stepped inside. "Oh hey, Alex Smith right?" Miss Nkosi took of her reading glasses and shared a smile. "Umm...yes yes I am." Alex stuttered and chuckled nervously. "So how can i help you?" Miss Nkosi asked. Alex took a seat in front of the teacher's desk and took a deep breath.

"Well i kinda didn't understand today's lesson." Alex said almost as a whisper. Well she didn't understand today's lesson because she was busy thinking about 100 ways she could fuck Miss Nkosi. "Oh, on what exactly do you need clarification on?" Miss Nkosi asked as she stood up and now stood in front of the desk Alex was seated at. "Umm, do you mind explaining everything Ma'am?" Alex said as she got a taste of Miss Nkosi's sweet yet seductive scent. "Oh umm, that's okay, i truly don't mind." Miss Nkosi said as she placed her hand on Alex's hand and smiled at her before walking over to the board. Did sh- did she touch my hand? Alex thought to herself making her heart jump for instant joy. She spent 30 minutes looking at the woman explain but did it get in? Nope. She could just get a tutor later if she doesn't understand but for now she just wants to admire how imperfectly perfect Miss Nkosi is. 

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