"New Trouble!"

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**Kira's POV**

Hey, I'm Shakira Coleman but you can call me Kira. I am 16 years old and yes 16 in the senior year. Lemme tell you about myself and my life, I was born in the UK but soon after my birth we moved to Zimbabwe where my mom remarried and settled down. So i never knew my daddy, but i never actually asked about him. But what i know is that i hated my stepfather with everything I've got. My mom is a doctor so she was hardly home, my stepfather took care of me from bathing me in the morning to tucking me in at night. At the age of 12 puberty kicked in, I developed boobs, hips, and all that. But that now created a whole new picture for my step father. No no, he didn't molest me but every time he would invite his friends over, they would all get drunk and pay my father lots of money just to come to my room at night and have their way with me. But that didn't last for a while cause i told my mom and he promised to stop and he actually did. 

When I was 13 we found out that Jeff(Stepfather) had another child, a son who was 3 years older than me. His name was Prince. Prince then came to live with us, I was so happy to have someone who was there to protect me. I spent a lot of time with Prince and his friends. So one day i went to them without Prince there, and i was telling them about my crush and all that. And one of his friend said he wanted to show me something since i am now eyeing boys, trusted him and i followed. The dude raped me and after that threatened to kill me, I saw death in his eyes and feared for my life, as soon as he opened the door to his room, his friends stood outside, cheering as if he had done something good and among the friends my brother was there watching. well i thought the nightmare was over but no my brother continued every night, sneaking into my room and having his way. You know what? This a memory i would love to forget. I moved to South Africa with my mom because she got a job there but i know that the real reason we left is because last year i tried to kill myself, had enough of the nightmares, panic attacks, and all that. Was taken to the hospital and recovered. then just retired to razors, yep. I am a walking museum of artworks of pain. Principal Dlamini is my uncle and so here i am.


Morning, Rise and Shine Butterflies. Another day to do better with your lives. Alex got dropped off at exactly 07:30 am and walked into the school hallways to only find that Kylie and Kira already waiting for her. "Hey guys?" she said all jolly. "Someone is in a better mood today" Kylie says glancing over at her friend. "Ah whatever, hey Kira." Alex said smiling over at Kira, Kira just nodded and walked away looking down on her phone. "What's up with her today?" Alex asked Kylie. She shrugged her shoulders and they made their way to class. First class was math, and there was no sign of Kira. Alex got worried and asked to be excused. She made her way to bathroom and checked every room until she saw boots, and only one person wears boots to school. 

"Hey, Kira are you okay?" Alex gently knocks on the door. "Yeah, I am. Don't worry about me." Kira stutters as she opens the door and walks to the mirror. "Wait! is that blood on your sleeve?" Alex asked. Kira stopped and looked at her bloody sleeve. " Are those...razor cuts? Are you trying to kill yourself? WTf Kira?!" Alex exclaimed! Kira walked over to the basin sink and rinsed her bloody wrist. "Calm down, I am fine. This is just a minor thing, what are you even doing here?" Kira questioned. "I was worried about you, so i came to check on you. You need to stop doing that to yourself. You could die!" Alex stated.

"Shut up okay!? You don't know me, you know nothing about my life. So shut the fuck up!" Kira shouted as she grabbed her bag and stormed out of the bathroom certainly leaving the school grounds. Alex went back to class but had trouble concentrating cause she was so worried about Kira.

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