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A/n: this is a chubby reader x Tokoyami, because I've been feeling really insecure, so yeah

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A/n: this is a chubby reader x Tokoyami, because I've been feeling really insecure, so yeah.

                                ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

You pulled up your shirt as you stare at your fat. You thought you were doing well, eating healthy, not gaining much fat, but you were wrong.

You had gained a pound. A pound. Why? Why can't you be slim like the others? Why did you even gain a pound? Do you really need to starve yourself to be skinny?

These thoughts were interrupted when you heard your dorm door open, and you quickly pulled your shirt down. You look to see Tokoyami with a grocery bag, staring at you.

"What were you doing?" Your boyfriend questioned. "Oh nothing, just.. putting on a shirt." You sheepishly smile. You weren't sure if Tokoyami was fully convinced, but he took off his shoes and proceeded his way over to you.

"I bought some snacks for you, since we are having a movie night with class 1-a. Here." He handed you the bag and you nervously look in it. You see a bunch of your favorite snacks and you gulped.

"Sorry Tokoyami. You can give this to someone else, I started a diet." You explained. "Really? When?" Tokoyami asked, not remembering you mention anything beforehand. "Just.. right now. I decided right now okay?" You said, handing the bag back to Tokoyami.

"Alright, than what what would you like for dinner? I can get whatever food you want for your diet." Tokoyami suggested. "No, I'm uh, actually not hungry." You lied, you could already feel your stomach grumbling, but this is good for you, right?

"Oh, are you sure you don't want me to make you something?" Tokoyami made sure. You nodded your head vigorously and that was enough for Tokoyami. "Alright then, just let me know though, I will be glad to make you something." Tokoyami said and you nodded again. "Okay!"

You both went to the living room and sat down on the couch next to each other. Sadly, Mineta sat on the other side of you. You would not really care, but the couch was kind of small, and you felt your thighs splayed out on the couch. You didn't want Tokoyami to notice that.

Mineta had seemed to notice it though.

"Ew, why are your thighs like that?" Mineta asked. "Like what, Mineta." You sighed, already knowing the answer. "They are too big! I barely have any room on the freaking couch." Mineta exclaimed.

Tokoyami glared at Mineta and Tokoyami put his arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. You blushed, feeling your thighs squish onto him. "Mineta, just because you are a short pervert, doesn't mean you need to put your anger on other people. So shut up, and watch the movie." Tokoyami growled, his voice deeper than usual.

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