☆ Accidental Kiss ☆

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Hey welcome ladies, gentleman and non binary hoes! (Of you watch SK8 infinity then you get it) Welcome to my humble abode! Now you all probs don't want to read this so I'm just gonna get right to the one shot, let's get started

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Hey welcome ladies, gentleman and non binary hoes! (Of you watch SK8 infinity then you get it) Welcome to my humble abode! Now you all probs don't want to read this so I'm just gonna get right to the one shot, let's get started. 💫


Y/n just joined UA like everyone in class 1A did and you aced the tests they gave Y/n in the beginning. And then all of a sudden, Y/n's grades started to slip down, because of a stupid little bird crush.

Tokoyami sits right in front of you in class, and Y/n noticed him, a lot. Then a little cute crush started to form in Y/n's heart, and she couldn't focus any longer in class.

Y/n didn't even understand why she liked Tokoyami, he had a fricken bird head for Christ's sakes! Y/n didn't like the bird head at first, but then it started to look cute, and Y/n loved his goth aesthetic, and even Dark Shadow.

Y/n started to try and get closer to Tokoyami, she found out a couple things, first off, Tokoyami played guitar, second, Tokoyami likes to sculpt skulls and moons, and lastly, Tokoyami loves apples.

The more and more Y/n got to learn about Tokoyami, she fell deeper into the hole of love.



A shout of Y/n's name made Y/n jump in her seat and out of her daydreams about Tokoyami. Y/n looked up from her desk to see Jirou. "Hey Y/n, I was just wondering if you think you did good on your math test. I think I did pretty well." Jirou admitted. "Oh, yeah! Um, let me see... I think I did okay..." Y/n said digging through her backpack, looking for her test.

Y/n continued to dig but could find it. "Um, you good?" Jirou asked. "Uh- I- Well.." Y/n looked at the clock and class was gonna start any second. "I, uh, left it in my dorm!" Y/n said running out the classroom.

Y/n cursed herself for forgetting her test in the dorm. She usually double checked if she had everything she needed before she goes anywhere, but this morning she wanted to get to class early so she must have forgotten it.

Y/n got to her dorm room and grabbed her test and ran back out. She looked at her phone to see she only has three minutes to get to class.

Y/n runs around the corner and bumps into someone. Y/n fell backwards while the person fell on her. Y/n felt a sharp pain in her lips. She opened her eyes to see Tokoyami, with his beak, on Y/n's lips.

Tokoyami immediately got off of Y/n. "I am very sorry, are you okay?" Tokoyami asked while he stood up. Y/n just hummed with her head going up and down slowly.

Y/n had a dorky smile on her face and a blush. She couldn't believe that Tokoyami just kissed her, if that's what you call it.

"Um.. your lips bleeding." Tokoyami pointed. "Really?" Y/n said snapping out of the daze, she touched her lips and saw some blood on her finger.

Well now it was really awkward.

"I'm really sorry Y/n, I wasn't paying any attention." Tokoyami said closing his eyes while bowing a little bit. "Oh! No! It's my fault! Really! I was running down the halls because I was going to be late for class..." Y/n then came to the realization.

"I'm going to be late for class!" Y/n said gathering her backpack and stood up. "W-Wait!" Tokoyami shouted a little bit too loud, which made Y/n jump.

"Sorry.." Tokoyami said scratching the back of his neck. Y/n faced Tokoyami. "Um.. what is it?" Y/n asked. "Well.... I was thinking... well, you need to see a nurse? Because your lips are still bleeding." Tokoyami said a little shyly.

"Oh, yeah, that's right." Y/n said lookin down at her feet. If she walked into class with bloody lips then she might get in trouble.

"So I was thinking..." Tokoyami trailed off looking at the wall. "Hmm?" Y/n hummed looking at Tokoyami. Tokoyami made eye contact with Y/n for a second then immediately looked at the wall again.

"I was thinking that I could take you to the recovery girl's room and I could tell mister Aizawa that you fall on the floor or something and your mouth started bleeding." Tokoyami said a little fast but Y/n understood what he said.

"Really? You would do that for me?" Y/n said while Tokoyami gave a shy nod. "Wow! Thank you so much! You're really sweet, Fumikage." Y/n said with a smile.

This made Tokoyami's stomach get butterflies, Y/n just said Tokoyami's first name. Tokoyami hated to admit it but he might have a small, tiny crush on

Tokoyami then coughed in his hand. "Th-Thank you for saying that.." Tokoyami stuttered a bit, which made Tokoyami mentally face palm. "Okay, well I'll go to recovery girl and see you later?" Y/n asked. "Uh, yeah, totally." Tokoyami said.

Y/n then gave a small wave with her cute smile and walked down the hall. Tokoyami gave a small sigh. "Wow. You're into Y/n? I mean she is pretty cute." Mineta said turning the corner.

"No! I'm not into Y/n. I'm just taking care of a classmate." Tokoyami said while wrapping his arms together. "Okay. But you guys totally kissed." Mineta said.

"That was not a kiss." Tokoyami stated harshly. "I dunno how you birds kiss and stuff but that looked like a kiss to me." Mineta said walking off, leaving Tokoyami a little mad, Mineta was the least person he wanted to talk to.

But Tokoyami knew that deep down, he was 'into',


2021, May, Sunday, 2

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