♡ ︎Calming Voice ♡︎

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Tokoyami was obviously not the hottest guy in class, not even close in Tokoyami's eyes

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Tokoyami was obviously not the hottest guy in class, not even close in Tokoyami's eyes.

I mean, he has a bird head, so it's understandable. But no one wants a bird, right?

Tokoyami thought no one did, and that was that. Dating would be hard for Tokoyami if he ever tried it, so he thought it was best to not date at all to keep his pride.

Of course Tokoyami still has his own crush, it was normal for a teenage boy going through strange stages in their life, to like a girl. Who is that crush?

You of course.

You aren't loud like all of the others, you are more shy but at times can say really funny or sarcastic things. You are also very gentle and a nice person in general, not to even mention your beauty. To Tokoyami, you are a goddess sent from heaven. That sounds pretty dramatic, but Tokoyami couldn't help but think of you in that way.

"Tokoyami, answer to question 5, what is it?"

Tokoyami's head went out of the clouds and looked at his teacher, Aizawa. Tokoyami took a second to look at the board, to his book to Aizawa once again.

"36, I believe." Tokoyami answered. Aizawa nodded slowly and continued class. Tokoyami's gaze ended up on you as usual, admiring you. You didn't looked focused at all, you seemed to be doodling here and there and than staring at nothing in particular.

Tokoyami sighed softly, he longed to push the strands of hair out of your face and hug you without awkwardness filling the air. Yet Tokoyami knew you wouldn't go for someone like him, so these feelings just made Tokoyami's heart ache.

Class was finally over and Tokoyami gathered his things to go to his dorm. That is, until Aizawa walked up to you.

"L/n, it is obvious that you haven't been paying attention in class." Aizawa explained. "I know, I have noticed that and I am very sorry." You say bowing. "What seems to be interrupting your thoughts?" Aizawa asked. You stayed silent in embarrassment and stared at the ground. Aizawa sighed annoyingly. "Look, if you don't start focusing in class, than you could fail, and as your teacher I am concerned."

You bit your lip trying to hold back the tears and nodded. Tokoyami already felt his legs moving towards you, as an instinct. "I can tutor L/n." Tokoyami said to Aizawa. Tokoyami wasn't sure what he was doing, he knows the closer he gets to you, the more he is going to fall in love, so why was he doing this? He just felt this is a perfect opportunity.

You look at Tokoyami and smile softly to yourself. "You would do that?" You ask with hope. Tokoyami glanced to Aizawa. "Would you do that?" Aizawa repeated your question. "Sure, I'm one of the best in this class and helping L/n wouldn't be a problem." Tokoyami said. Aizawa looked at you both and folded his arms. "Alright, I'll allow it. L/n does need the tutoring." Aizawa than yawned and started walking away, leaving you and Tokoyami.

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