♡ ︎Jealously ♡︎

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Spring time

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Spring time. Oh how you love spring, the sun finally comes out to melt the snow away, leaving room for flowers and trees to bloom. Spring was also the time for love, most springs you felt lonely since you didn't have a loved one, but this year was different. You now have a certain emo bird as your boyfriend. You sure didn't see that coming, you have had a crush on Tokoyami ever since you met him, and you were glad but surprised that you actually got with him.

But Tokoyami had a secret that he told no one, (besides dark shadow) that even you don't know of, and Tokoyami is quit embarrassed by this.

You noticed something strange was going on, because whenever someone was getting a little too comfortable with you, Tokoyami would do small things like, hold your hand or put his arm around your shoulder or waist. You didn't mind it too much though, but you did want to know what was making Tokoyami do these things.

You are very close friends with the Bakusquad, mostly just Kirishima and Denki though, you had been friends with both boys even before UA! Tokoyami said he didn't mind, he knew you would never try and cheat on him, and he was right. But Tokoyami seemed more... weird today.

The whole class was going to the aquarium to learn about sea creatures and even quirks that have to do with the ocean, but it seemed more chill then usual, everyone was kinda split up into their own groups and just looking around. You stayed with Tokoyami most of the time, walking around while Tokoyami said stuff like 'this fish is beautiful, but you're a thousand times more beautiful' and poetic, sappy stuff like that but you found it cute.

You two ended up going to see your favorite fish, and you both happened to bump into Denki and Kirishima. They were both looking at your favorite fish. "Oh, hey Y/n! Hello Tokoyami!" Kirishima and Denki greeted as you two walked up to them. "Hey!" You greeted as well as Tokoyami nodded his head in greetings. "What are you two doing here?" You ask. "Well we know this is your favorite fish so we decided to learn about it a bit." Kirishima explained.

"Denki? Learning?" You teased as Denki pouted. "Yeah! And then I will learn your weakness, so that I could finally beat you at Super Smash Bros!" Denki said happily. "Yeah, in a million years! I'm just focusing on Kirishima right now, you're way too good Kirishima!" You crossed your arms and Kirishima chuckled. "Well, I learned from the master." Kirishima bowed to you and you laughed. "Damn right!"

You three started talking about video games, mangas, sharks, and etc. Tokoyami felt like a third wheel, or, a fourth wheel in this situation. Tokoyami hated when he felt this way, he just wanted to cling onto you and just say that you are his. But Tokoyami knew that's controlling, but Tokoyami's rage bubbled in his stomach as he continued to watch you all banter. Finally, Tokoyami heard his name being said. "Toko Kun, do you play Super Smash Bros?" Denki asked. Tokoyami felt like he was going to pop, that was the nickname that only you said, no one else but you can call him that!

"I've tried but Y/n is too good at it." Tokoyami said crossing his arms, glancing to the side. "Oh, thank you Toko Kun! Don't worry, I'll train him up so he can help me beat you Kirishima!" You said with your hands fisted. "Haha, we'll see about that!" Kirishima smiled. "Well you two better look out then, because I'm going to train myself up!" Denki exclaimed while rubbing his hand on your shoulder.

Tokoyami couldn't handle it anymore, the bubble finally popped.

Tokoyami grabbed you from behind and hugged you, pulling you away a tiny bit, glaring at Kirishima and Denki. Tokoyami whispered in your ear. "Mine."

Denki and Kirishima looked at each other with confused faces, while you were blushing madly, Tokoyami is so clingy this month! "We-Well boys, I'll see you later, my Toko Kun needs me." You say and the boys then shrugged, guessing that Tokoyami just wanted to be with you, but they were all still surprised to see Tokoyami acting clingy. "Okay then, bye Y/n, bye Toko Kun!" Denki said as they both waved while walking off.

"Only you can call me Toko Kun.." Tokoyami mumbled but you still heard it. You pulled away to face him. "Toko? You feeling okay? You have been acting clingy since spring started." You say while putting your hands on your hips. Tokoyami looked down shyly and your eyes sparkled. "Don't tell me my Toko Kun is jealous?" You ask, hands on your cheeks acting surprised. Tokoyami got flustered all of a sudden, he did not expect you to catch on so quickly, but then again, you are very smart.

"Wha-What? No, that's ridiculous." Tokoyami crossed his arms looking away. "No way! You totally are!" You gasp dramatically which made Tokoyami grumble something under his breath. Now it was your turn to hug him. You turned Tokoyami to face you, then you hugged him. "That's literally so cute Tokoyami! You're so adorable!" You cooed, squishing Tokoyami's body to yours.

"I-I'm not cute! I'm a dark lord, friends with the darkness!" Tokoyami exclaimed annoyed. "I know! Like how I am yours, you are my cute dark lord!" You exclaimed playing with Tokoyami's hair, Tokoyami grumbled and relaxed into your arms. After a bit of cooing at him you pulled away, arms around his neck.

"I don't mind if you're acting clingy and whatever, but I just wanna know, why? You didn't seem to have a problem before?" You ask as Tokoyami sighs. "Since it is spring, I get more clingy and jealous. I hate it. I'm sorry for seeming controlling over you, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." Tokoyami apologized resting his head on the crook of your neck. "Oh Tokoyami! It's totally okay! I find it cute, and even sometimes I feel at least a little jealous when I see you hanging out with Tsuyu or Jirou. It's perfectly normal." You say still playing with his hair.

"Thank you." Tokoyami looks into your eyes. You kiss the tip of his beak. "If you want to keep hanging onto me you can." You say and Tokoyami nodded. "I would like that." Tokoyami admitted.

For the rest of the trip you had your arm around Tokoyami and he had his on you, resting his head on your shoulder every so often. At one point, Mina noticed this behavior and asked if everything was okay? Tokoyami thought you were going to expose him but you said. "Oh yeah, I've been feeling down in the dumps today, so Tokoyami has been hugging me and trying to make me feel better." You lied and Mina believed it. "Omg, that's so sweet of you Tokoyami!" Mina squealed whilst telling everyone what a good boyfriend Tokoyami is.

"Thank you." Tokoyami whispered to you and you nodded. "No problem, my Toko Kun." You kissed Tokoyami's beak once more.

( ˘ ³˘)♥

A/n: I got this idea from a comment, I thought it was so cute if Tokoyami got jealous and clingy in spring! Anyways, hope you all are having a good rest of your summer, bye!

2021, July, Monday, 26

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