Side character view- sapnap

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Part 2

A few days pass, meaning that sapnap was still the one who didn't have a relationship. however, as someone who doesn't have a relationship, people always think that you might have someone in mind.

Repeating questions:

"Are you and maybe *name* together?"

"When are you going to start dating!?"

"Do you need help on dating?"

"Aren't you lonely?"

"You maybe haven't found the right one yet"

"Have you started to date anyone?"

"What was your first relationship?"

"Ugh I wouldn't know what to do in your situation "

"Must suck to be single, huh?"

And it just keeps getting more and more depressing each day, in which you just don't know how to handle it.

"Sapnap, it has been days! When are you going to actually date anyone?" George's voice yelling straight out from sapnap's phone. "Jeez, we're not in face to face but still, you're really breaking the sound barrier" he giggles while fidgeting his fingers. "Ugh alright I'm sorry, but are you really sure you haven't planned out anything?" George asked while his voice sounded so calm. Oh, how sapnap wishes the world wouldn't be so cruel on him. "Trust me george, I guess this world doesn't want me to find someone or anything related to love" Sapnap sighed in frustration, looking outside from his window then he walked up towards his flower.

"You know, either way I still have this tulip with me" he leaned forward to look closer at the flower, although he didn't pay any attention on what was going on in front of him. "Alright then, I'll call you later sapnap, I gotta go ahead and make dinner" George ends the call before sapnap could even say bye. "Well..that was rude" he sighed once again and stood upright and look at his window, there was a man in front of him the whole time. As shocked as sapnap was, he couldn't really say anything but just wave at the stranger. The stranger then waved back at him but he walked away, sapnap was so confused at the strangers actions.

"That was weird..but why do I feel like I've seen him before?" Sapnap shook his head and went back to his desk. The flower shop has an amazing amount of beautiful flowers, although most of the time, it was normal for random people to stop by and look at the flowers. "Maybe, he liked my tulip? Huh..he seemed interested"

Sapnap's pov

I looked at the time, 8:30 pm. Supposedly, George was gonna call me a while ago but I guessed he probably had some trouble. I went to grab my bag and my keys from my counter, looked around to see if I've missed anything just to make sure I didn't leave anything. "Alright, time for closing" I reached for the door handle and turned the sign from 'Open' to 'closed'. I locked the door then went walking home, 'I usually get why I don't go walking home, this place seems so loud at day time but now that it's dark, it's very quiet here' I thought to myself.

'As they say, with such beautiful full moon, we can dance the night, this just made me feel lonely..' I walked away and towards the moonlight, I guess there's not much of a happy ending.

Author's note and the last one for that

It has been a great time with all of you reading these one shots that I have made even though their cringe BUT I do hope you guys did like it. Usually we end in a good and happy note but,
Today is my last day with this fanfic, and we have done so many good things during these almost 2 months!

I so wish that YOU
Yes, YOU

Would have an amazing day and I hope that next time, we meet again!

on the side note, I'm not like LEAVING but more of this is the final one shot of this fanfic and the last one. for more information, I'm going to finish this one shot that I basically deleted and I know most of you have read it which

The undying comedian
Yes, I did remove it because it felt very rushed
I wanted to take my time and do it right.

ILL BE SEE YOU LOVELY'S IN A FEW WEEKS FOR THE UPCOMING NEW FANFIC!! (Not really since it isn't basically new but yk what I mean)


I'm pretty sure you guys will, but until next time :)

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