Idiot (dreamnapfound)

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Dream was streaming for a while now and George was just minding his business, watching something on his phone. Since Sapanp wasn't there because he had work, it was mainly very quiet. Once Dream finally finished his stream and said goodbye to everybody. George overheard and wanted to hug Dream when he opened the door.

George runs up to Dream
"Hey georg- Wow did you really miss me that much?" Dream smirked as he saw the little boy hugging him
"You have been playing for so long that I missed you and it seemed like you were enjoying it a bit too much than me" George tried to sound like he's the victim. But They both didn't know that Sapnap might have caused the two boys a bit of some tease~

"Hm I'm sorry about that" said Dream knowing well that George is just messing with him.
Knock ✊🏽

Both Dream and George were confused on who was knocking.
Dream was about to open the door until

*opens the door*
"I always forget that I have a key with me" said sapnap while trying to get his luggage before he could hug his beautiful boyfriends

"And my hug?" Pouted sapnap, he was upset since Dream and George were speechless..
A few details:
Sapnap has been gone for a month and a half, so when Sapnap before he left, Dream was sad but he didn't want George to be Sad too so he tried to not make it heartbreaking. "Please take care of yourself sappy " George spoke with a soft tone. "Hey, I'll come back so you two don't worry about me okay? Plus when I get back I'll give you both so many kisses" Sapnap told George then looked at Dream, he knew Dream didn't want to be sad of sapnap leaving but sapnap could see it.

Sapnap gave a kiss and a head pat and told Dream, "you gonna take care of George while I'm gone, so please don't worry and I'll come back very soon I promise" smiled sapnap. George was jealous but sapnap also noticed. "Don't think I forgot about you Georgie " then sapnap gave a kiss on George's head.
That's how one month in a half went by.


"SAPNAPY!" yelled George and Dream. With so much excitement that sapnap was so happy to see his boyfriends and feel them again.
"Woah!" Spoken in a loud tone, he didn't expect both of them to hug him so tightly-

"We missed you sap!" Dream laughing while saying that. "Hm, and I guess you both are very happy to see me?" Sapnap smirked.
As sapnap was being hugged by his boyfriends, George noticed that sapnap has changed a lot for the month he was away. He used to be careless of what he wore, and he changed his set of colonel. but now he has some new clothes and his hair is more curly and softer than before!

Sapnap's POV

I may have changed a bit but George came up to me and sniffed my neck.
'Is George okay? Why is he coming closer to my neck- ' I shivered from George's breathing.
I could tell that George noticed that I wasn't wearing the same cologne as usual.
"Hey, did you change your cologne?" George asked me. I was surprised from all of what's happening. "Wait *sniff* did you change your cologne?" Dream questioned and from what I can say...they probably think I did something while I was gone-
"Well yeah, since I was gone. One of my friends from work lead me his cologne since he has extras and that I left mine here" I tried to make it sound like it was nothing for them to worry about but...I think I just made it worse.
George stepped back and Dream looked so angry for some reason. I tired to explain to them that his coworker more like friend was just trying to help me. " hey, it's just cologne so don't worry about it. Besides I have you two and I love you both " I smiled, trying to make them not be mad at me. But that wasn't the case.

Third POV

Dream was surprised that he wasn't able to respond. George on the other hand was so pissed, 'why the hell did sapnap agree to that? Why couldn't he just go to the store get some instead of him smelling like his friend's cologne!?' George gave a look on Dream and Dream noticed. " guys, I know it may sound wrong but I'll change my cologne so don't worry about it. But can you guys help me on my luggage?" Both George and Dream knew that sapnap didn't want them to be mad at him but they just couldn't let him be stuck with that smell anymore. "Sure I'll help." Dream grabbed sapnap's luggage and took it to their bedroom. George was helping too,however sapnap was a bit exhausted so he decided to shower before he could sleep.

"Thanks you two, I'll be in the shower so I'll be back!" Sapnap was giving his boyfriends a heads up if they need to use the restroom.
Dream whispered "hey, I'm sure there's nothing going on between them okay?" George should've just brushed it off but he wasn't so sure about it. "If you don't believe him then talk to him about it, I'll be there to comfort you okay George?" Dream assured George, there's nothing to worry about.

Sapnap was done showering and put on his clothes. He looked at the counter, it was a picture of himself with his two boyfriends laughing. 'What did I do to get such good boyfriends?' He thought while putting on George's cologne on accident-

"Sapnap can we talk for a bit?" George was hesitating because he didn't want his trust issues to ruin their relationship. "Oh yeah sure, what do you wanna talk about?" Sapnap sat next to George on the bed. Meanwhile Dream left for those two to talk. "I'm not trying to sound jealous or anything but...are you sure that you don't have any interest into your friend ?" Sapnap looked at his boyfriend, then just smiled and told him straight out "I LOVE YOU GEORGE AND MY DREAM AS WELL SO I DONT LOVE ANYONE ELSE BESIDES MY BOYFRIENDS WHO ARE SO IMPORTANT TO ME THAN ANYONE ELSE !" Sapnap shouted so loud so Dream would be able to hear it. George was so surprised but he laughed of how much of an idiot his boyfriend is. "You idiot! Pfft, ah fine I love you too you stupid " George hugged sapnap. "WHERES DREAM? MY LOVELY BOYFRIEND! WE NEED YOU!" Sapnap shouted to the point where George isn't surprised anymore. "IM HERE MY LOVELY BOYFRIENDS!" Dream ran into them and gave both sapnap and George a big hug.
"WOULD YOU LOVER BOYS SHUT UP DAMN IT!" The neighbor from next door yelled.
"Hahaha my bad-" sapnap laughed.

"You're just an idiot "-Dream and George
"I know"-sapnap
The end~

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